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  1. RedX

    Easy change of IMEI x65-x75 (SGOLD)

    Not really easy. There are special terms and sometimes strained convolutions. Intro:I'm not sure what the majority of those present will be interested in, but as it turned out during one discussion, there is interest in the topic and it's worth a try. Of course, you can buy a new phone once a...
  2. RedX

    Firefox aka IE 5.5 / 6.0 / 7.0

    I haven't used Firefox as a working explorer for a long time. Didn't know yet where the user-agent string is. I saw one creepy program that changed the agent and the language, which all the time flew into Russian and after which Java fell. Well, they are all in the forest, these programs, I...
  3. RedX

    Emergency PC destruction

    According to scientific canons, all devices must be disconnected from the power supply, sealed and examined by specialists in the laboratory. Although this is an ambiguous recommendation, since the same electromagnetic disk destruction systems are able to automatically activate and destroy data...
  4. RedX

    What is SI and how to use it?

    Let's start with theory. Let's forget about the sciences of which it consists and everything else. I'm not Wikipedia for you. Using SI is often considered an illegal method to get the information you need, but that's bullshit. It is applicable to all spheres of life and using this method, you...
  5. RedX

    Real life when you're a carder

    What are the pros and cons of people who have chosen this great profession? Now we will talk about how it is to be a carder? And anyway, let's brain a little about our life. A person who first grabbed a normal dough from the shadow sphere, for example, driving a couple of MacBooks into his ebay...
  6. RedX

    Where did you go?

    Hello my friend! I don’t know which way you came to this forum - but you are here. What kind of place is it? This is a small blob of the darknet. What is the darknet? If you purposefully found our forum, then you already know. If you were just passing by, then know that everything that will...
  7. RedX

    How to survive?

    We all know that life is fucking unpredictable. Boom, the cart was blocked, advertising revenue was gone. Oops, your arbitration team was made public, profits dropped. Boom, the new law is jeopardizing your business. Such uncertainty burns out. Earning 300-900 thousand a month, willingly not...
  8. RedX

    The most common myths about anonymity on the Internet

    Myths about anonymity. Many people think that the Internet is a relatively free and anonymous network, and with the use of various tools, one can generally remain completely in the shadows. Unfortunately, it is not. In reality, the Internet is a fucking way to get information about you. It is...
  9. RedX

    Why did I choose carding?

    Why is carding an interesting and useful experience? Let's just get away from the basic stereotypes and all this crap from the category "I want to beat the hundred-tenth iPhones and live in the Maldives. Everyone wants to get rich, believe me." The first reason is a great way to save money on...
  10. RedX

    How will your life change after carding?

    First, you stop chasing things. If you wanted new collectible sneakers, you took them for a penny. How do you like that, Karl? Things lose their value when you pay 15-20% of the cost for them. You stop chasing brands and things when you understand their "value". Why pay 26 thousand rubles for...
  11. RedX

    Threat of the 21st century. Stiller.

    “Why would anyone need my data?” A simple layman asks. “To get it, you need to be a hacker and very cool. Why do I need someone? " Progress goes further and further. In addition to amazing technologies that allow humanity to move forward, there is a sea of all kinds of shit that allows you to...
  12. RedX

    Your life is your choice

    First, let's figure out why people steal and strive to earn more for themselves . If someone has not done it, then this is a human essence. The strongest survives, but the richest in our time. It seems to a person all the time that everything is not enough for him. Once upon a time, the people...
  13. RedX

    Your first drive in carding

    Seems like it's all fucking easy, right? To drive in clothes for 400-1000 bucks, pull out the pack to you, rejoice. But no, fucking like that. The psychology of some individuals works differently. Yes, fuck me this stuff, I want iPhones and liquidate to beat! I mean, things beat? So I will...
  14. RedX

    How will your life change after carding?

    First, you stop chasing things. If you wanted new collectible sneakers, you took them for a penny. How do you like that, Karl? Things lose their value when you pay 15-20% of the cost for them. You stop chasing brands and things when you understand their "value". Why pay 26 thousand rubles for...
  15. RedX

    Does a carder need education?

    Education. Whether it is necessary? My answer is unequivocal - yes, finish your studies. My opinion about education is ambiguous, but I will try to explain it clearly. Contrary to popular belief, I have an education. Nezhdan, right? I will not say the direction, but it is tied to economics...
  16. RedX

    How to make money in 2020

    The quarantine is coming to an end. Working days will begin soon. I am sure that many of you have already started to catch a kind of stupor, depression and unwillingness to return to your work. And it's even worse when you have a loan or mortgage on you. An extremely unpleasant story. But it's...
  17. RedX

    Drops | Droopers - jobs of the XXI century

    Table of contents: 1. Who are drops and what are they for? 2. What types of drops are there? 3. How to find / recruit drops? 4. What legends exist and which ones are better to use? 5. Safety when working with drops. 6. Drop conductors. Let's start with the most important question - who...
  18. RedX

    Socks, tunnels, dedies. What it is?

    Hello Friend! Today I will tell you about such a necessary thing as "socks" and tunnels. " What is called" sock "? You have come across this word more than once while drinking tea after school and flipping through the regular carder forum. Sock - aka SOCKS - is this a network protocol that...
  19. RedX

    What is antifraud? How does he spoil your life?

    Antifraud - if you don’t fuck your head, then these are measures directed by a certain site (its merchandise) to ensure that you cannot cheat anything from it. A kind of protection against incomprehensible transactions. Wikipedia on the subject says this: Antifród (from the English anti-fraud...
  20. RedX

    Carder's interview

    - What happened in your life that made you go to hell? After all, you need an acute lack of cache to go for it. Of course, this is a lack of money. We lived with my stepfather, who constantly spared money for food for his family, but at the same time drank thousands of dollars a month. It was a...
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