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  1. P

    Scan files for Virus and Keylogger in Online for free-VirusTotal.com

    Usually if we download free software from public file hosting service website, it may contain some virus or keylogger. If you run the program without scanning, it leads to problem in your computer. So it is necessary to scan your files before you run or open. For scanning purpose, you don’t...
  2. P

    Wireshark 1.6.1 and 1.4.8 Released-Network Protocol Analyser

    Wireshark 1.6.1 and 1.4.8 have been released. Installers for Windows, Mac OS X 10.5.5 and above (Intel and PPC), and source code are now available. In both wireshark versions vulnerability is fixed For more details and Download wireshark versions from here...
  3. P

    Non-vbv Bins - Just Italy !!! Visa

  4. P

    Call to your Friend From their number itself

    Want to make your friend shock? Call your friend from their number and make them shocked. Now i will explain you how to do that Steps to Follow: 1. Go to http://www.mobivox.com and register there for free account. 2. During registration, remember to insert Victim mobile number in “Phone...
  5. P

    How to delete an undeletable file

    Can’t you delete any un wanted files? Then this hack will help you to delete those type of files. Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open. Close all open programs. Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe. Leave Task Manager open...
  6. P

    Eboostr Accelerate Your computer | Use Your Pen drive as Ram

    Use your Pen drive as RAM using the Eboostr Accelerate. Download Eboostr Eboostr download Features No Hardware Upgrades Needed Launch Favorite Applications Faster Use Hidden RAM New and Improved Cache Configuration Windows 7 Compatible For more details visit...
  7. P

    How to Create your own FTP Server in your system using Serv-U 10.0 FTP Server

    In this post i will guide you to how to create a FTP server in your home. Though there is lot of steps to folow, but it is very simple to do that. So i just follow my steps . What you need? Serv-U 10.0 or other versions No-IP.com Website Step 1: How to get the static address in NO-IP.COM...
  8. P

    How to Use Free Airtel GPRS in Pc also

    We are using Airtel GPRS for free from 2005 . Still Airtel didn’t debug it. But Airtel block many of browser and client Now the Airtel is GPRS is again hacked using Proxifier. How to use it? dialup number- *99# or *99*1# (it depends handset model) Access point- airtelfun.com (default airtel...
  9. P

    Delete all temporary files by simple click|Batch Programming

    T5V6P3XV8NNR Today I am going to guide you to create a Batch Program to delete all unwanted temporary files from your temp folder. 1.Copy this code : ECHO This Batch File deletes all unwanted Temporary files from your system ECHO Now we go to the Windowstemp directory. cd %temp% ECHO...
  10. P

    You can now send a self destruction Email from Big string

    Every time that you send an email, copies are stored permanently on multiple email servers as well as the recipient’s inbox and anyone they decide to send it to. Your emails can be stored and scanned in more places than you can imagine. Do you want people storing your email messages forever? Do...
  11. P

    3 Candian Live Mastercards!

    CCnum:: 5258901910250213 Cvv: 057 Expm: 11 Expy: 23 Fname: Sebastien Lname: Lemieux Address: 1288 av taniata City: LÃÂVIS State: QUEBEC Zip: G6z2l2 Country: CANADA Phone: 5819961013 CCnum:: 5598280117950043 Cvv: 605 Expm: 11 Expy: 23 Fname: Steeve Lname: Carpentier Address: 1705 avenue georges...
  12. P

    Free Rdp Lifetime Enjoy

    Site: https://freerdpserver.com/ Register and setup your RDP free!
  13. P

    Top 10 Important command prompt’s commands

    In this tutorial i will guide you to top 10 important and famous command prompt commands with their usage. 1. ipconfig : This is the top most command for seeing the ip address,subnet mask and default gateway also includes display and flush DNS cache, re-register the system...
  14. P

    simple way to reset non-administrator account passwords :

    Here is another simple way through which you can reset the password of any non-administrator accounts. The only requirement for this is that you need to have administrator privileges. Here is a step-by-step instruction to accomplish this task. 1. Open the command prompt (Start->Run->type...
  15. P

    create shortcut for shutdown

    Obviously everyone want shortcut for everything. Here is the trick to create a shortcut for shutdown on Desktop.Follow the steps., Step1: Right click on your desktop.click new and click new shortcut. Step2:a small window will open. for shutdown type as “shutdown -s -t 00 for logoff type as...
  16. P

    Disable or Enable Hibernate Option in Windows 7

    Hibernation is a power saving option which was designed primarily for laptops. Unlike “sleep mode” which puts the open documents and files into the memory, hibernation puts all the open files and documents on to the hard disk and shuts down the computer without drawing even a small amount of...
  17. P

    HiddenWall - Linux Kernel Module Generator

    HiddenWall is a Linux kernel module generator for custom rules with netfilter. (block ports, Hidden mode, rootkit functions etc). The motivation: on bad situation, attacker can put your iptables/ufw to fall... but if you have HiddenWall, the attacker will not find the hidden kernel module that...
  18. P

    Automated Blind SQL Injection Attacking Tools

    What is Blind SQL Injection: Some Websites are vulnerable to SQL Injection but the results of injection are not visible to the attacker. In this situation, Blind SQL Injection is used. The page with the vulnerability may not be one that displays data but will display differently depending on the...
  19. P

    Get anyone’s IP address [Easy]

    What you'll need: Method: Enjoy
  20. P

    (TUT) DOX Anybody!

    What is Doxing? Doxing is accessing somebody's unveiled data - like their complete name, address, telephone number and whatever other subtleties that are close to home/private to them. So, we are gathering as much data as possible, regardless of whether it be a tragically missing sibling...
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