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Search results

  1. Neon Ghost


    4540332032093011|08/2024|490|Maude Lavoie Lebel|561 Rue Bagot, B|Québec|QC|G1N 2A6|DOB: 11/01/1993|4185513410|
  2. Neon Ghost


    4986152430091040 08/25 361 Yoshiko Wallace Ro143 Sugatani-machi YamanakaOnsen Kaga-shi JP17 922-0139 4649880742279718 09/26 808 Yosuke Ishikawa 2-11-4, Kaminarimon,203, MAHALOTERRACE
  3. Neon Ghost


    4546384838798560|12|2024|806|Sue Small|Shelcote|Mappleborough Green|Warks|B80 7DE|UNITED KINGDOM|07966542326 [email protected]
  4. Neon Ghost


    4978744071613775|09|2026|800|FRANCE|Guyader Caroline|23 rue de la Bucaille|Aincourt||95510||[email protected]| 4978742367127823|09|2026|802|FRANCE|Regnier|31 impasse du clos Dubois - Appart. 3.4.|Villars les dombes||01330||[email protected]|
  5. Neon Ghost


    CCnum:: 4591650000389493 Cvv: 686 Expm: 10 Expy: 25 Fname: Christy Lname: John Parappallil Address: No.252nd Street Rukmani Nagar Maduravoyal City: CHENNAI State: Zip: 600095 Country: INDIA Phone: 9962053495 Email:
  6. Neon Ghost

    How to sell things FAST (selly / shoppy)

    Quick tutorial how to sell things fast. With this method you are guaranteed that a LOT people will see your shop. Step 1 - Create a reddit account (or buy one from reddit-boost.com to look legit Kappa Step 2 - Find a subreddit where you will be advertising your shop (r/GamingMarket , r/GameSale...
  7. Neon Ghost

    Argos Carding Method and Working Bin 2023

    If you live in the UK or Ireland and want to card Argos successfully, then you will have to read this tutorial because I will be explaining the latest Method for Carding Argos. Argos is one of the UK’s leading digital retailers that offer more than 60,000 products online and in-store. If you...
  8. Neon Ghost

    Make your current desktop a virtual machine - Tutorial

    So just thought I would throw this out there. Basically in a few easy steps, you can make your current desktop - files/profiles and everything a virtual environment for a backup or for usage. Basically download this https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysi...56415.aspx Select your drive like I...
  9. Neon Ghost

    Introduction to reverse engineering

    Hi guys, I am doing quite a lot of reverse engineering of known application to find exploits which I report and help to fix. 3 years ago I was able to do so with GetTaxi which is a known application which work like Uber but is connected to real taxi companies and work in Israel, London, Russia...
  10. Neon Ghost

    Kali Linux - understanding the fundamentals.

    (Work in progress. Ignore for now.) If you would like to help with this thread, feel free to write up a tutorial for one of the below tools and I will hyperlink it. Cheers. Information Gathering https://tools.kali.org/information-gathering/ Spoiler (Click to Hide) acccheck -Attempts to connect...
  11. Neon Ghost

    Get NOD32 Official Keys for Lifetime , Free , Legal by top carders forums

    This simple step by step tutorial is mostly for basic members, beginners and common people and it's purpose is to learn you how to make your expired version of Eset NOD32 fully registered again in a few minutes only. Following these few simple steps (tricks) you will not lose hours and hours...
  12. Neon Ghost

    Complete Anonymity Using Layered Virtual Machines and Tor

    This tutorial is more conceptual in nature so that you can achieve actual anonymity when carrying out your nefarious (just kidding... ethical) hacking activities. Here's the overview (and, it's overkill... but the concept is good): Start with the native machine (turn it on, dummy). Connect to...
  13. Neon Ghost

    Activate Windows 10 - Serial Keys Method by legit carder forums

    1 - Select a windows key for which ever version of windows you are running. Home: TX9XD-98N7V-6WMQ6-BX7FG-H8Q99 Home N: 3KHY7-WNT83-DGQKR-F7HPR-844BM Home Single Language: 7HNRX-D7KGG-3K4RQ-4WPJ4-YTDFH Home Country Specific: PVMJN-6DFY6-9CCP6-7BKTT-D3WVR Professional...
  14. Neon Ghost

    Everything About Enroll

    What is Enrоll? This is a way to manage the card via the Internet. Sberbank Online is an example of our enroll. You can perform various operations, check balances and watch expenses online. What is needed and what are the advantages of enrolki? For example, at enrolkki you can change the...
  15. Neon Ghost

    WEP Cracking with Backtrack How to crack Wifi Password

    First, you will need to have Backtrack 4 (LINK) *** I find it that if you are smart enough to be into hacking you will atleast know how to burn an image file to a DVD, so after you do that, boot up the DVD in the and run BT4. Login: root Password: toor Once logged in, type in: startx BT4 is now...
  16. Neon Ghost

    How to Hack Android Devices Using Metasploit

    If you would rather watch a video tutorial, check this out: In this tutorial, I'll be teaching you how to hack Android devices such as phones and tablets using Metasploit. I'm going to be using Sana (Kali 2.0) for this tutorial, but you're welcome to use any distro you want as long as it...
  17. Neon Ghost

    How To Hack Facebook Password Using Brute Force by carding forums

    Hack Facebook Account Password Using Brute Force 1. First lets know something about Brute force attacks, “A brute force attack is a trial-and-error method used to obtain information such as a user password or personal identification number (PIN). 2. In a brute force attack, automated software is...
  18. Neon Ghost

    Miteru - An Experimental Phishing Kit Detection Tool

    Miteru is an experimental phishing kit detection tool. How it works It collects phishy URLs from the following feeds: CertStream-Suspicious feed via urlscan.io OpenPhish feed via urlscan.io PhishTank feed via urlscan.io Ayashige feed It checks each phishy URL whether it enables directory...
  19. Neon Ghost

    Trigmap - A Wrapper For Nmap

    Trigmap is a wrapper for Nmap. You can use it to easily start Nmap scan and especially to collect informations into a well organized directory hierarchy. The use of Nmap makes the script portable (easy to run not only on Kali Linux) and very efficient thanks to the optimized Nmap algorithms...
  20. Neon Ghost

    Brutemap - Tool That Automates Testing Accounts

    Brutemap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates testing accounts to the site's login page, based on Dictionary Attack. With this, you no longer need to search for other bruteforce tools and you also no longer need to ask CMS What is this? only to find parameter forms, because...
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