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Search results

  1. Neon Ghost

    Bandit - Tool Designed To Find Common Security by top carding forum

    Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code. To do this Bandit processes each file, builds an AST from it, and runs appropriate plugins against the AST nodes. Once Bandit has finished scanning all the files it generates a report. Bandit was originally developed within...
  2. Neon Ghost

    Scavenger - Crawler Searching

    Just the code of my OSINT bot searching for sensitive data leaks on different paste sites. Search terms: credentials private RSA keys Wordpress configuration files MySQL connect strings onion links links to files hosted inside the onion network (PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX) Keep in mind: This...
  3. Neon Ghost

    Flashsploit - Exploitation Framework

    Flashsploit is an Exploitation Framework for Attacks using ATtiny85 HID Devices such as Digispark USB Development Board, flashsploit generates Arduino IDE Compatible (.ino) Scripts based on User Input and then Starts a Listener in Metasploit-Framework if Required by the Script, in Summary ...
  4. Neon Ghost

    Hydra 9.0 - Fast and Flexible Network Login Hacker

    Number one of the biggest security holes are passwords, as every password security study shows. This tool is a proof of concept code, to give researchers and security consultants the possibility to show how easy it would be to gain unauthorized access from remote to a system. There are already...
  5. Neon Ghost

    SSHD-Poison - A Tool To Get Creds Of Pam Based SSHD Authentication

    sshd-poison is a tool to get creds of pam based sshd authentication, this is not the easiest way to do that (you can create a pam module, or just add auth optional pam_exec.so quiet expose_authtok /bin/bash -c {read,-r,x};{echo,-e,"`env`\n$x"}>>somefile in a service configuration), not even the...
  6. Neon Ghost

    HiddenWall - Linux Kernel Module Generator

    HiddenWall is a Linux kernel module generator for custom rules with netfilter. (block ports, Hidden mode, rootkit functions etc). The motivation: on bad situation, attacker can put your iptables/ufw to fall... but if you have HiddenWall, the attacker will not find the hidden kernel module that...
  7. Neon Ghost

    VulnX - CMS And Vulnerabilites Detector

    Vulnx is a cms and vulnerabilites detection, an intelligent auto shell injector, fast cms detection of target and fast scanner and informations gathering like subdomains, ipaddresses, country, org, timezone, region, ans and more... Instead of injecting shell and checking it works like all the...
  8. Neon Ghost

    CMSeeK v1.1.2 - CMS Detection And Exploitation Suite

    Functions Of CMSeek: Basic CMS Detection of over 170 CMS Drupal version detection Advanced Wordpress Scans Detects Version User Enumeration Plugins Enumeration Theme Enumeration Detects Users (3 Detection Methods) Looks for Version Vulnerabilities and much more! Advanced Joomla Scans Version...
  9. Neon Ghost

    H2Buster - A Threaded, Recursive, Web Directory Brute-Force Scanner Over HTTP/2

    A threaded, recursive, web directory brute-force scanner over HTTP/2 using hyper, inspired by Gobuster. Features Fast and portable - install hyper and run. Multiconnection scanning. Multithreaded connections. Scalable: scans can be as docile or aggressive as you configure them to be. h2 and h2c...
  10. Neon Ghost

    Kubolt - Utility For Scanning Public Kubernetes Clusters

    Kubolt is a simple utility for scanning public unauthinticated kubernetes clusters and run commands inside containers. Why? Sometimes, the kubelet port 10250 is open to unauthorized access and makes it possible to run commands inside the containersusing getrun function from kubelet: How? Okay...
  11. Neon Ghost

    Brutality - A Fuzzer For Any GET Entries

    A fuzzer for any GET entries. Features Multi-threading on demand Fuzzing, bruteforcing GET params Find admin panels Colored output Hide results by return code, word numbers Proxy support Big wordlist Colored Usages Install Download Brutality
  12. Neon Ghost

    Wpbullet - A Static Code Analysis

    A static code analysis for WordPress Plugins/Themes (and PHP) Installation Simply clone the repository, install requirements and run the script Usage Available options: Creating modules Creating a module is flexible and allows for override of the BaseClass methods for each module as well as...
  13. Neon Ghost

    PhoneSploit - Using Open Adb Ports We Can Exploit A Devive

    Using open Adb ports we can exploit a device you can find open ports here https://www.shodan.io/search?query=android+debug+bridge+product%3A”Android+Debug+Bridge” I will soon make a tutorial on how to use PhoneSploit Install Download PhoneSploit
  14. Neon Ghost

    Vulners Scanner for Android - Passive Vulnerability Scanning

    Vulners Scanner is developed by Vulners Team, the founders and maintainers of one of the world largest security databases. It implements technology of passive vulnerability scanning based on software version fingerprint. The application does not perform any malicious requests, fuzzing or any...
  15. Neon Ghost

    ReverseTCPShell - PowerShell ReverseTCP Shell, Client & Server

    Reverse Encrypted (AES 256-bit) Shell over TCP - using PowerShellSecureString. Attacker (C2-Server Listener): Analyze Encrypted Traffic: Download ReverseTCPShell
  16. Neon Ghost

    Saudia Arabia visa live hb / منتدى بطاقات الائتمان السعودي

    4166342105752107 06/24 949 Mohammed F A Al Farhan الحزام الذهبي 59 Ash Sharqiyah (Eastern) 36422 SAUDI ARABIA 0504927736 [email protected]
  17. Neon Ghost


    6223203826274167||2024||01||634 China UnionPay 6223218313573566||2024||12||543 6223615300030726||2024||01||671
  18. Neon Ghost


    Firstname: Linda Midname: H Lastname: Shwab Address: 5602 Coach Gate Wynde City: Louisville State: KY Zipcode: 40207 Country: US Phone: 5024039006 Card type: Credit Credit Card Number: 549621090106196 Exp. Date : 9/September / 2023 Name On Card : Linda H Shwab Cvv2 : 036 Pin Code : 1002 Bank...
  19. Neon Ghost


    First Name:Bonnie Middle Name:I. Last Name:Keller Spouse Name : Father Name: Billing Address:42545 Kansas St. City:palm Desert State:CA Zip Code:92211 Country:US Phone Number:7607726065 Credit Card Information: ********* Card Type:Credit Credit Card Number:4388576023977377 Exp. Date:5/May / 2023...
  20. Neon Ghost

    Stock Carding Method Updated With Bins

    1- Make an Account with credit card info 2- Use the Shipping Address as the billing address but don't panic, Feds can't come to your house as it acts as private / confidential info and Stock are not allowed to give that info out 3-Use Sock5, RDP & VPN 4-Make sure you clean cookies before in...
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