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Nov 26, 2020

The topic will be written absolutely entirely in a semi-free style, but I will convey the meaning completely to those whose minds are capable of perceiving and, most importantly, thinking ahead, and not at the moment. The most ideal version of answers after reading is clarifying questions for self-knowledge, I will explain everything that I know and am sure of. If you are going to somehow dispute the content of the topic, try to be smart or downplay the importance of the recommendation - immediately close the topic, because I don't give a damn about any speculations of people's understanding without the other side in terms of exchanges and plus, I have practical experience and really see the things that you are about to read.

The goal of the topic is to improve the reputation of the police by showing full readiness to give counteraction, keeping up with the times and understanding of new technologies, as well as reasonable shutting up of cretins-bastards with a negative IQ. who with full confidence believe that they are like a drop in the ocean, their transfers of 30k are of no use to, penny, and in general the employees have not yet reached the understanding of bitcoin, not to mention a potential prisoner under from any city who knows how to buy bit with a small commission and withdraw it!

The information is not genuine, it is montage and invention, or what is more common for forums is silliness and fantasy.

Exchange offices with Bestchange are one of the main ways to find an exchanger for withdrawal. Here you are sure that you will not be cheated anywhere and you make a selection according to your own concerns.

Having chosen a site, you will usually probably indicate some kind of your email to receive information on the application, also for the bonus system, etc.

Everything was withdrawn, before the Bitcoin exchange, you and the fucked-up Satoshi Nakamota sent all your crypto-assets/portfolio in the amount of 0.0123 btk to “clean” it and then you receive fiat. Of course, 99% of the time you will go there again and again. Your email will be entered automatically or you will enter it yourself, each time you will be more willing due to the constant increase in the discount. Then at some point something like this will be sent to the exchange service's email:

This is not a dogma or a template, in practice there are a lot of formulations and the final goal of the appeal, somewhere on the input wallet (it is not entirely clear where the employees got it from) when checking all applications on the site by filtering it gives out very specific matches in 3-4-10-20 applications, and as a rule the following data appears there:

The card number is 100% revealing, especially when it is on yourself.

Cart - well, it depends on how and what you use it for, and of course whether the SIM card belongs to you or the best option is the use of anonymous numbers

Mail - do not underestimate this point. I remember from my own experience at least 2 quick checks through the eye of two nasty clients and in each THANKS ONLY TO ONE MAIL - there was information about the phone number, name, home address and other additional info. If you use a mail address, it is better to choose NON-Russian hostings and CREATE A NEW one, which you have never used anywhere in everyday life.

Will you be able to somehow find out about a request that is associated with your identity? No.

What is the probability that the exchange office administrator will decide to refuse to provide your card number in response to an official request? The question is rhetorical

I would also like to remind you that operational officers are left to their own devices in terms of catching a criminal. Employees are obviously different, there are those with intelligence and motivation (almost all of them are like that), the anti-example of employees working on the ground are those who have absolutely no interest in investigative activities, career advancement and the fight against the drug market, their entire work process is based on being on duty in popular places where drug addicts and technologists are concentrated. who supplies them. These employees are of no use to both society and the market; The most significant thing they can do during their service is to create problems for their superiors by being accepted as a bribe by security guards. There are a few of them and this should not be taken into account at all; the main backbone of the security forces are not stupid, they have erudition and know better than you who, where and what. Keep in mind that you receive information from 1-2 sources and are forced to blindly trust them, and employees regularly hire people with different approaches to work, scale, and they have the opportunity to more objectively see the picture and what is relevant at that moment.

This is what I mean, it's no secret that certain drug stores are under the leadership of representatives of law enforcement agencies, conclusions about redness can most often be made only by the frequency of employee disappearances (not available to everyone), or by messages from end customers. Security forces not only arrest their customers or employees, but also, first of all, earn a living. That is, the profit is cash and increased disclosure and prospects for career growth.

If you remove drugs, then how else can you bring a person from the darknet into a complete dossier about you. Obviously - money. Entry and Exit always comes down to ruble accounts, 90% of which are registered in your name, but if in the first case no one really cares about your daily microfinancing of drug business for five-dollar bills, then people WITHDRAWING funds are of very serious interest. And it seemed. What is it worth launching a bot in TG and stocking up on advertising? Or even with a sufficient budget, go to the cash-out service in the marketplace? Security officials are the same people and they also want to get the maximum result with a minimum expenditure of effort and money. Having opened such an exchanger, you will never be able to understand that your card after creating an application has already been checked by security officials according to your full name and a lucky coincidence of your city, gives the operatives the opportunity to put it up for your surveillance at random. Here it remains to understand what kind of fruit you are and take action on you.

I remembered, never write things that compromise you in the chat, even if you figured out how to write more delicately and deleted the text with some obvious question or content. Operators can easily open a page with you after accepting the chat and see what text you want to type and then delete it, keep in mind. Why do I mention it, because I saw with my own eyes the question "do you block money from the drug platform HYDRA or not? I just drew my salary and everything that needs to be given to the bank for debts, I'm afraid of getting into trouble", and then the person deletes this question and writes "Please write your requirements for bitcoins by percentage of purity". A fundamentally different perception after reading the questions, isn't it?

What is the best thing to do in my opinion to minimize potential risks?
Do not leave your data, try to indicate random emails, etc. The application will not be lost, the money will not be lost, believe me, as soon as you write to the exchanger that you sent such and such, you will be informed of its current status. If you use an exchanger often, it is best to enter a dialogue in a telegram (you can constantly clean the dialogue, select a separate account for these matters and not drag along the digital trace of your requests in a specific exchanger.

Regarding the moments that catch the eye and cause unnecessary thought processes when a person creates an application. At least 10 exchange offices told the following list:
TOR browser, VPN (not a separate argument)
Random mail or hosting pm.me / tutanota (not a separate argument)
Add. factors: analysis of btc purity to begin with. and from experience I can say that there are specific questions in the spirit of “ please look, can my cue ball pass through amla or is there not enough interest ” (a verbatim question from one of the recent clients).

The risk soon gives a similar result to what is obtained when using 85% of examiners-cleaners, and at the same time the person does not understand what AML is and what he is talking about and what percentage should be enough for him. The first thought that arises is this: a person heard somewhere superficially that the cue ball was being blocked, found a mixer, made it in a mixer, but due to ignorance of the essence of the process, he has doubts and is afraid that the mix might not have been mixed, and he does not know how to check, hence similar formulations question.

Regarding Monero, remember that it is given to you, but it turns out that everything is not so anonymous for you, rather the opposite, even if these are pseudo-anonymous QR codes, but in any case a little better than transfers from exchangers to TG. And everyone understands that a passenger who flew in on an XMR request - a QR code indicating an email on protonmail or random symbols - is unlikely to be a trader who, out of everything that is, chose such an unusual coin

Here you can not find fault, however, you can be sure that you have broken off contact with the place where this money was received, but keep in mind that this is only externally and formally. and in reality, you are the most potential frame for individual study.
One of my largest clients in terms of turnover recently made a cash withdrawal in Moscow in the amount of 70 million and this does not raise any questions, because the person does not arouse suspicion, fears and even before going out for large amounts, he himself came to meet us in the office. The amounts are not small, in fact, but at the same time this is not the ceiling, you will not surprise large money changers sitting in the City with an amount of 70 million, although a person in turn can have a shadow source of income , but he chooses a model of behavior of a person who is not associated with something dark, but on the contrary. It is better to withdraw a clean bit for a couple of multipliers and break the connection with dark markets and then come in a normal state, neatly dressed to the office of some exchange office in the City, exchange words with the workers, get cash and in my opinion it is more stupid to withdraw the same couple of million, but without leaving the site order cash in a secret place, and also from the main account.

The main point: Anti-drug officers are 3 or 4 heads smarter and more reasonable than 88% of those classified as sales employees, and you don't need to reassure yourself that you are not part of these 88%, and that they definitely won't accept you, it's possible that they have already collected a complete evidence base for you and at this moment they are collecting your micro-messages for the protocol and video, making the attempt a fully-fledged completed crime

P.S. If you take note of something useful here, there is definitely food for thought here. My thoughts are purely experience and practice, and if you continue to think that you are the smartest one, then go to the website mvd.rf and see how the difference between news about detentions has decreased over several years and that news about the capture of Some collective farmers with 200g of wild game plucked in the field are crowding out news about serious detentions and volumes.

P.S. Obviously, someone will quite appropriately say that I also give out information and where did I get such papers from. Papers arrive and this is a completely ordinary moment, but regarding the possibility of satisfying a request, it is rare that this can be done, more often than in 95% of cases requests arrive and the difference between the day of receipt and the day of the application reaches 2-4-6-8 months, and my system script works a little crookedly and the module is responsible for archiving and saving applications stores them for no more than three days, because as new ones arrive, technical malfunctions and limited disk space kill the ability to maintain an archive
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