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Staff member
Nov 26, 2020
Carding appeared around the beginning of the third millennium AD, or more precisely, it happened about 15 - 19 years ago. Just think about it, less than 20 years have passed since the moment when a simple carder got the opportunity to engage in carding. It would seem that the period is short, but during this time, with the help of the Internet, carders managed to earn an amount of money that exceeds the total amount of all money earned over the past 2000 years.

Now we are not talking about remote work, but about carding. In fact, carding surpassed this level back in 2017, when carders were at the peak of their popularity, but this part of my article will not be about carders, but about what myths carding has acquired over these almost 20 years of existence.

One of the most popular myths attributed to carding goes something like this: you can do nothing on the Internet and earn millions. Let's try to figure out if this is really so. Can you imagine a person who does nothing all day and still earns $2000-3000 or even $5000 a month through carding? Personally, I can, moreover, I know such carders, but often they came to this after months or even years of constant work in carding.

Behind each of them there is some kind of carding project. But I have never heard of a carder who did nothing and somehow miraculously earned money. Most likely, this is due to the fact that such carders simply do not exist, because carding is still a job, but you can earn money from it from anywhere in the world and much more than being hired.

Let's be realistic - you can make huge money from the start with one click of your fingers only in the movies. Nevertheless, it is possible to make money on the Internet on a passive basis, but again, any profitable passive needs to be configured. However, the myth that the Internet will make money for you for some reason still exists.

Carding will never make you a wealthy person - this is roughly what the second most popular myth about making money on the Internet sounds like. Let's try to figure out whether carding will actually never allow you to succeed in this life, but first we need to figure out what it means to “succeed in life.” Education, passive income, family, car and your own home. Most likely you will agree with me if I say that for most people this set is already considered wealth. And if so, then let's build on that.

Let's start with education, let's be honest: when you receive a higher education, most often you receive outdated knowledge that will never be useful to you in life, and a diploma that has exactly the same application as the acquired knowledge. In turn, when doing carding, you must have an up-to-date set of knowledge and skills in your head, because only with them can you make money on the Internet. It seems to me that being stuck at work for 8-10 hours a day, not using your head in any way, is somewhat more boring than thinking with your head for a couple of hours and applying your knowledge online. I think that you will agree with me on this. Now let's move on to housing and cars. Unfortunately, it so happens that a person with a simple job is not destined to afford such luxury without a loan or mortgage. Turning to carding, we will see that all these carders receive a full set of wealth, including an apartment, a car, and passive income after 8, rarely 12 months of earning money on the Internet. As for the family, answer yourself: can your family become happy if you earn even $1000 from your job, spending 8 hours a day at it? As I see it, it is simply physically impossible to do this. That's the whole conversation about whether carding can make you wealthy.

Most likely, now you might think that I am praising carding and showing only its positive aspects. And if you really think so, then I will say that you are wrong, because carding has one very serious drawback - making money on the Internet is not suitable for everyone, and therefore not everyone will be able to feel all its advantages in comparison with simple hired work. And now I will explain why this is so.

Not everyone can do carding, and here's why
All the people living around you can be divided into three age groups: children, adults and the elderly. In almost any country in the world, there are approximately equal numbers of children, adults and old people, i.e. about 33% for each age group. And the circumstances just so happen that now we live in a time when the majority of people - speaking of the majority of people, I mean those aged 25 years and older - have already taken a sip of, dare I say it, crap in their paid jobs.

Let's look at things realistically: almost all people over 25 have had to work in a job they don't like. Some of them worked for a couple of months, quickly realized that work was slavery and went online, some were able to hold out for a couple of years and only then moved to the Internet, and some have had to struggle for pennies for years to this day, called " salary." And the reason for this is already known to you, and it is that ordinary people got the opportunity to engage in carding relatively recently, and therefore not everyone who wanted it was able to move online.

However, this opportunity already exists, and hundreds of thousands of people are taking advantage of this opportunity right now. It is not surprising, because low wages, working days of 8, 10 or even 12 hours, meaningless work and dubious management will force any normal person to look towards making money online, especially when you have everything you need to go online. When I talk about what you need, I mean access to the Internet and a couple of hours of free time a day. And now literally every first person has this, but for some reason every first person does not make money on the Internet. Let's try to figure out why.

The older a person gets, the more difficult it is for him to get used to the changes around him, to adapt himself, and even more so to relearn how to do something - this is simply a fact. This fact is the main reason why not everyone can earn money using the Internet. Let's look at the people around: often the average person is already accustomed to working with his hands under the guidance of his boss, is accustomed to receiving a low salary and has even adapted to it.

Try to imagine how some turner from the fifth workshop of a pasta factory for the production of paper irons leaves his job and, without preparation, starts making money on the Internet. Personally, it is difficult for me to imagine such drastic changes and it is equally difficult to imagine how difficult it will be for such a person to switch from his work at the machine and start making money in carding. After all, without vital necessity, such changes happen extremely rarely.
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