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Nov 26, 2020
Today, as never before, education is becoming the most important sphere, because the acquisition of knowledge takes on the character of a routine (in a good way), a necessity on the path of a successful existence. Therefore, educational technologies, with the help of which teachers bring this or that material to their listeners, are acquiring special relevance. Let's see what kind of technologies are used today, what are their features. But before that, let's look at the main trends that prove the need for continuous learning.

Why study today?
So, the following points will show you the main trends in education in modern life:

Trend 1
As noted earlier, learning will turn into a routine, which will make our intellectual life richer and more dynamic.

Think for yourself, technological progress is gaining momentum, new areas of activity appear, priority areas of development are changing, many professions are dying out, new ones appear, and we are forced to adapt to these conditions of a rapidly changing society. You've probably noticed yourself how in just five years your daily activities have become more “digital”. We invite you to think about these changes and suggest which ones are coming next.

Trend 2
Education will become lifelong. Compared to the past, when most of the education fell on the age period from 6 to 25 years, in the future education will be necessary throughout life. And the bad (although hopefully good news for someone) news: it won't depend on your wishes. If you do not feed yourself with knowledge in a rapidly changing environment, you will simply be left out of life. Therefore, educate yourself!

Trend 3
As new areas of knowledge appear, new educational technologies appear. Education is moving from the format of ordinary lectures to project and problem-oriented methods. This means that work during training is becoming more open today, the field of interaction between teachers and students, as well as students among themselves, is increasing. Teamwork , consideration of cases, creation of entire projects to address certain issues - that's what is relevant today.

This, by the way, changes the student control system. Instead of testing, control papers, students are more often offered the defense of the project, presentation of some idea to solve the problem. If you are a student, it is possible that your institution is already practicing such techniques.

Trend 4
The introduction of interactive methods into the educational environment seriously changes the process of acquiring knowledge. The modern schoolchild (student, any student) perceives visual information better using the online environment. Instead of listening to the teacher's lecture for an hour and a half, the student will prefer to watch a video on YouTube, learn almost the same amount of information in an informal and interesting setting, and explaining some material without a presentation to the student becomes less interesting.

Trend 5
Globalization has penetrated absolutely all spheres, including education. From this it follows that the ability to perceive and accept innovations, to learn languages, to be mobile, and patient in relation to other cultures is of particular importance .

This also results in increased competition in the labor market. Remember that your competitors are not only national specialists, but also foreign candidates. Therefore, continue to develop, improve your chances in the ranks of the labor force.

Let's now take a closer look at what the teaching community has to offer to create a more fun and effective classroom environment.

Modern educational technologies
At the moment, there is a huge number of educational technologies, but we will consider the most interesting and popular of them:

This abbreviation stands for S-science, T-technology, E-engineering, A-art, M-mathematics (maths). The set of these areas of knowledge (science, technology, engineering, creativity, mathematics) together constitutes the methodological basis of this technology. Its meaning is that schoolchildren learn these disciplines within the framework of some practical tasks, projects, for example, in robotics, programming, engineering, design, etc. The question is obvious: why exactly on them?

The well-known LEGO company has created the LEGO education project, in which children are invited not only to assemble a construction set, but to create a whole project called SPIKE Prime (small robot). While working on it, children learn both design and programming. According to the company's research, 65% of current students will work in these specialties, so STEAM technologies are now actively being introduced into the educational process.

By the way, earlier this abbreviation was called STEM, without taking into account the creative criterion. However, later the Art criterion was added, showing that even in the exact sciences, creativity and creative thinking are required. This system can be schematically represented as follows:


In general, STEAM educational technology is focused more on practice, it makes children and adolescents understand that the knowledge gained can and even should be applied immediately. Also, the methodology allows students to open up, express their position, communicate and work in a team, create creative and innovative products. You can read more about this educational technology here.

More precisely, Fishbone, which means “fish bones”, “fish skeleton”, respectively, imagine that there is a fish in front of you, with a head and a tail, a vertebra passes in the middle, and ribs go up and down. Although wait to imagine, it looks like this:

Where do you think this scheme came from? Yes, of course, this is Japan! Where else are they so fond of fish? Nevertheless, this technology has managed to spread throughout the world. Professor Kaoru Ishikawa, a prominent Japanese management theorist who worked on the Toyota team, created this diagram back in 1952 in order to schematize the process of finding cause-effect relationships, as well as intensify the critical assessment of events and factors associated with it.

As you can see from the image, the head of a fish is a problem, the main question, an event or phenomenon under investigation, an object of study. Further from the "vertebra", the reasons that follow from the descending facts move upward, that is, a number of accompanying facts caused certain reactions of the object, broadcasting the appearance of the reasons. Accordingly, the combination of these facts with the reasons leads to the conclusion, the final result, the consequences.

Of course, when this or that phenomenon is subjected to such an analysis, literally "dismemberment", students more clearly see the work of cause-and-effect relationships, learn to analyze and subject the question under study to a detailed analysis. This is an indisputable plus of this technique.

Singapore methodology
We are used to the idea: the fewer students in the class, the better the material is assimilated and remembered, because in small groups the teacher's control is better, and the children are less tempted to talk, play pranks, and you can ask more students about their homework. But here's the fact: Singaporean students, with about 40 students per class, are recognized as some of the strongest in the world in functional literacy (math and science). In addition, Singaporean schools, which are not particularly different from each other, have a young teaching staff. What's the secret?

Of course! In learning technology! The entire learning process consists of so-called structures, which together represent the essence of this modern educational technology. Its main principles are: communication, team building, changing roles, changing the role of the teacher (he becomes a kind of moderator of the learning process, a guide for the execution of the algorithm), partnerships between students, their cooperation.

There are about 250 Singapore structures, just below is a list of the most famous ones:

  • Teambuilding
  • Rally robin
  • Round robin
  • Clock buddies
  • Hi-Five
  • Mix Pair Share
  • Corners et al.
Please note that the names of these structures are in English. This is no coincidence, because training in Singapore takes place on it. Also, Singaporean education experts themselves note that they took the best techniques from Soviet education, tested by American schools, and implemented them for the Asian format. This is how this educational technology was born. Soviet scientists and teachers Lev Vygotsky, Daniil Elkonin and Vasily Davydov are directly related to the creation of such techniques .

An illustrative example of a lesson using Singapore teaching technology can be viewed here:

If you are interested in a specific description of each structure, then you can read more in this article. In the meantime, we turn to the following educational technology.

This education technology was developed in the middle of the last century, but its heyday came with Jeff Sutherland, who became the father of Scrum technology and the Agile manifesto. Initially, the technology was more involved in the IT field, however, later it penetrated into various areas, including education. Here we note several principles of Agile technology:

  1. Human interaction.
People and their interactions are opposed to tools and processes, which are often given more attention during training. For example, you noticed exactly how at school or university it was more important for teachers to fill out a journal correctly, write a curriculum, seat everyone in the right places, and not pay attention to a student or student, but these are all just tools. Education brings real value not through the establishment of material and formal processes, but through productive teacher-student interaction.

  1. Real product.
The emphasis on testing, the priority of good grades on test and independent, formally oriented approach is what Agile technology denies . Instead of constantly testing students, you can hold a discussion, conversation on a particular topic. During such forms of control, the teacher brings out for himself much more information about the knowledge of his charges, respectively, it is easier for him to build a route for further education.

  1. Team collaboration.
How often do teachers create collaborative projects for students? In general, how often do teachers communicate with each other about the educational process, and not about third-party topics? But teachers can make a serious contribution to the educational process by using each other's resources.

Why not have a blended geography and math lesson ? It would be possible to calculate the distance from our country to the CIS countries, build a geometric map, draw up a function of distance from Moscow to other capitals, etc. At the junction of two or more areas, rather interesting ideas are created; for this, it is necessary to create somewhat different platforms for communication of teachers, rather than meetings, teachers' councils , etc.

  1. Willingness to accept changes.
Agile is the most important principle in Agile to be responsive to all changes. Yes, of course, a strategic goal is needed, but deviations from short-term plans are normal. Strict adherence to work programs can ignore the real needs of students. If an additional lesson is needed to explain Present Perfect to students, the teacher can deviate slightly from the plan and organize a lesson dedicated to parsing the time. This will only benefit the students, because this is the main thing.

These principles are embedded in the Agile system. By the way, if you are interested in modern educational technologies, we offer you our program "The best techniques for self-education", where in 5 weeks you will master the techniques and methods of more interesting and effective learning.

Finally, I would like to give examples of gadgets that can make serious changes in the learning process. Let's take a look at this list:

  • Phree pen (capable of writing on any surface, synchronizing with your gadget, on which the displayed text will appear).
  • Virtuali-Tee (T-shirt that visualizes all internal organs if you put it on and point the gadget's camera at it).
  • Arduino Coding Kit (an electronic constructor based on the Adruino board that allows you to program your ideas).
These are the innovations that appear in modern children. Hurry up and you will master these educational technologies, which will become everyday life in the near future.

We wish you every success!
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