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Staff member
Nov 26, 2020
Act without a plan
If you would like to become a carder and engage in carding, it is better to think through your actions in advance. Of course, this depends on your willingness to take risks and your attitude towards the unknown.

Rest too much
The carder has no boss and can take a day off at any time. However, the greater the temptation to put off carding until the next day and start procrastinating.

But you can’t give up days off either. Sleep helps us recuperate and be ready for the next day. However, remember that too many free days makes us less efficient and affects our productivity.

Agree to everything
The novice carder decided to accept all offers. He was ready for any carding scheme and wanted to learn anything. At first it was even great: he gained new knowledge about the most unexpected topics - be it cryptocurrency carding, gift or liquid goods. But after a while he realized that he was wasting time that could have been used more wisely.

Agreeing to everything is fun and interesting. This way you will definitely learn something and have an interesting experience. However, this approach quickly becomes exhausting.

Act too spontaneously
Not only was the newbie carder wasting valuable time trying every carding method, but he was also not planning a schedule. He enjoyed the freedom from his bosses, and it seemed to him that he would no longer have to stick to a schedule. But this is how bad habits arise. There were days when he did nothing at all, and weeks when he made no progress at all.

Carder can manage his own time. But he still needs a schedule, otherwise he risks becoming too disorganized. Spontaneity helps enrich your life experience, but too much of it hurts your business.

Focus on short-term results
It is important for a carder to be patient. The beginner carder wanted to start carding immediately and get immediate results. He dreamed of making a big profit and collecting tens of thousands of dollars in a few weeks. However, most often success comes after years of hard work.

Focus on the long term. This will give you a sense of purpose and satisfaction and make everything you do more meaningful. This will make achieving your goals even more enjoyable.

Don't cook yourself
This aspect concerns health. The aspiring carder thought he was too busy and didn't have time to cook, so he ordered all the food. As a result, he quickly gained weight, his blood pressure rose, and he felt terrible.

When he started cooking for himself again and understanding what went into his food, he became more energetic and productive. Healthy eating is critical to good health, and a carder can't afford to get sick.

Get used to working from home
In the status of a carder, the newcomer was also attracted by the lifestyle itself. There was no longer any need to wear a suit, comb your hair, shave your beard, or even wear shoes. He stayed home and preferred carding to in-person meetings because he didn't want to waste time traveling.

According to him, he felt progress only when he began to look and behave as if he was going to work. He changed from pajamas to jeans and enjoyed carding to the tune of pleasant music. It turned out that these things also matter.

Doing too many things at once
At the very beginning, the newbie carder wanted to try out every carding theme. He devoted 5-10% of his time to each method, and the results were minimal. It was only when he narrowed his focus that his efforts began to bear fruit.

It can be tempting to work on multiple carding projects and test different ideas. But it is important not to do both at the same time. Patience is a quality that new entrepreneurs often lack.

Being too trusting
In the first days and months, the new carder tried to learn as much as possible from others. As a result, all sorts of people tried to sell him their services. He did not want to refuse anyone and almost always agreed to what was offered to him.

Learning to say “no” is very important. When the novice carder realized that refusing would save time not only for him, but also for another person, he began to make informed decisions.

Don't think about money
It seems to us that if we do what interests us and benefit others, we will inevitably receive income. Immediately after the novice carder took up cardig, he literally believed in it and was not at all worried about spending or earning money. It didn't matter to him. It seemed to him that if he helped other carders, he would start making money.

But then he heard a point of view that changed his view of the situation. Money makes us who we really are. So he now believes that the more he earns, the more money he can use to help other carders.

It's okay to make mistakes. We live in a changing world, and it is impossible to predict everything. Treat mistakes as valuable experiences and lessons. The main thing is not to repeat them over and over again.
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