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Staff member
Nov 26, 2020
Today we will talk about stupidity and scams. These two often walk arm in arm. And inside the so-called “shadow economy” scams are not a force majeure, but a common business process. Many gray service providers are trying to systematically scam each other. Understanding this gives two advantages: a) it’s not difficult to stand out from idiots by simply fulfilling your obligations to the end, b) you have to wait for setups from all sides and be in permanent combat readiness.

I recently heard the correct definition that the cash market is a theater of the absurd. Everything is built on trust and there are no real levers, everyone spins as they want and invents stories, one more beautiful than the other. Some recruit a pool of clients and hold their transfers to see the reaction. If there is active opposition in response, the money is returned. If it’s just talk and empty threats, then you don’t have to give it, they won’t do anything anyway. Others play the long game and first gain confidence with punctual calculations. They gradually increase the amounts, but at the same time stretch the deadlines in order to accustom the client to delays. As a result, having collected enough in one moment, they dissolve in space. And there are dozens, if not hundreds, of schemes for cheating some cashers out of money by others; we will need to talk about them separately.

And there are plenty of other sources of problems. You need to buy companies and addresses for their registration. They either sell addresses that are already rubber (with the expectation that they won’t check), or those that are going to bury and house 50 more suffering people at the same time as you. And used companies mean VAT (or other taxes) stuck on them, lost documents, blacklists, or even developments in someone else’s criminal case. “Inside people” in banks, the tax office, the mayor’s office, the presidential office and the galactic council are a separate clownery with many possible scenarios. Well, today’s candidates for analysis are sellers of dead and very living souls. Suppliers of directors and professional nominees themselves.

If a person has already worked as a director, it is customary to cut him off on approach. These are guaranteed problems. Most likely, he has managed to show up everywhere, new accounts will not be opened or will be quickly blocked, debts may emerge from old cases, previous customers will try to use a new company, etc. But sometimes they slip through for various reasons and then pandemonium begins.

I observed a typical picture when a whole provincial gang came to settle down. They were not an organized gang, rather just a get-together from orphanages and dysfunctional families, whom someone “in the know” brought on a recommendation... The check showed that each had a criminal record, some had several. But they vouched for them, what could go wrong?

The workers began to receive registration, they received their first cards and received their first transfers. Some of the transfers turned out to be made by them on their own and happily disappeared into a series of amazing stories about stolen phones where access to bank clients was stored. What was stupidity on their part? I have observed similar situations more than once, always with a similar scenario. Instead of waiting for a while, ingratiating yourself with the employer’s trust and taking a couple of lemmas (since you’ve decided to cheat him), these people burn out on the first 50-100 thousand. They need what they have, here and now. And here the guys did not disappear, but included the victims and sang in an awkward chorus, blaming each other.

Long and tedious proceedings began, a search for those to blame and solutions, and putting everyone through the polygraph one by one. But for those for whom lying is not just the norm, but the only way of existence, such interrogations are not a problem. It is simply impossible to make sense of a set of contradictory fables. They tried to place collective responsibility on them, so that they would scatter them among themselves. Come up with options for working out. Throw away the trash heaps that need to be disposed of, arrange some sort of rubbish... But these nice gentlemen weren’t even given microloans. The guarantor was as empty as everyone else.

Then the culprit was found, he burned himself on some trifle, and his friend told him about it. But there was absolutely nothing to take from the ragamuffins. So they ended up with a minus on the balance sheet and wonderful memories. And the boy eventually achieved success, remained in the black and unpunished. So I think, whose stupidity was it anyway?
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