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Nov 26, 2020
No matter how hackneyed it may sound, the main trend of modern carding is creativity. And the basis of this phenomenon is not the ability to “give out something like that,” but the ability to ask. The ability to ask questions.

Creativity in carding is unique in that no one can ignore it, even if the carder denies all creative thinking in principle. Even the most ordinary carding that brings a stable profit is already creative to some extent. After all, this is a sign that the owner of this carding has his finger on the pulse of his audience and satisfies their needs by adapting to them.

Creativity is simultaneously loved and hated because it allows you to win under otherwise equal conditions: with the same budget and resources, with the same economic situation, with the same knowledge. But most of all, creativity is adored and despised for the fact that it allows you to win even with other unequal factors. When some, excuse me, hungry man and yesterday's newspaper seller suddenly “explodes” the market with his idea and in a month achieves such success that some companies have achieved for years and even decades. Moreover, for the latter it is especially offensive that they had to overcome this path, suffering failures and rethinking their experience, choosing new directions and rebuilding, experiencing crises and rejoicing in the hard-won growth “on the bones.”

The invisible part of creativity
Many people wonder why companies with the richest experience suddenly suffer defeat and leave the market, while others, having achieved nothing, suddenly become leaders. First of all, it is worth noting that the experience is not such a great thing as is commonly believed. Surprisingly, it is a positive experience that is especially dangerous. Positive experience makes a person think through the prism of past success and not accept constructive criticism. He begins to think not in current conditions, but in the past. The creative approach to carding is lost: resting on laurels begins, which can ruin everything.

Secondly, an experienced carding has another significant drawback - it avoids all the sharp corners. Once burned on something, he is unlikely to return to the painful point, each time avoiding it by a kilometer. But reality is like a river. Conditions have been updated, the challenges of the times have been updated, technologies have been updated. The ability to look at old problems in a new way is a quality that is not given to everyone, such is human nature. A new carding is freed from this burden, so it sometimes enthusiastically rushes to this very painful point, which, to everyone's surprise, turns out to be not an embrasure, but an abandoned gold mine that was in front of everyone's eyes.

You may have heard more than once that in carding there are two ways to approach an emerging task or problem: as an obstacle that needs to be overcome, and as a creativity challenge that needs to be solved. The conditions, as a rule, are the same for everyone: limited resources, lack of personnel, lack of time, clients who want a lot for minimal money. Carders who perceive a problem as an obstacle choose two paths: either they step back at the sight of an looming giant, realizing that they are unable to cope with it, or they begin a long and persistent struggle and training. They improve knowledge and skills, train employees, prepare safety cushions and escape routes in case of failure, and, finally, with tremendous effort they take or do not take the besieged fortress.

The second approach to the problem is unique. A person assumes that he already has all the necessary conditions to solve a problem and he just needs to solve the puzzle that has arisen. Moreover, please note that the essence of solving the problem here is not in searching and finding a universal tablet, as the media likes to explain the success of some startups, but in using a wide selection of methods for solving the problem. If the first carder “besieges the fortress”, arming the army and navy for a long time, which he sees as the only right solution, then the second carder thinks something like this.

  • Is it possible to build a cannon whose cannonballs will pierce the gates of the fortress?
  • Is it possible to poison the water in the stream that flows through the castle grounds?
  • Is there a chance to bribe the guards?
  • etc.
All methods, all information already exists today thanks to the Internet, but not everyone knows how to use it. And here it is extremely important not to be able to find suitable answers, but to ask the right questions. This is precisely the underwater, invisible part of creativity in carding.

Elon Musk's Creativity Technique
You probably already know him - he is a cult figure of our time, co-founder of Tesla, entrepreneur and billionaire Elon Musk, who is going to colonize Mars and aims to improve the lives of humanity. Elon Musk once shared the method he uses to achieve his revolutionary breakthroughs and solve carding problems.

Elon Musk's algorithm consists of six steps. They are based on the principle of thinking that allows you to start everything from scratch. In other words, to create an innovation, you need to abandon the ideas, practices and standards that existed before and look at everything with a fresh look. For example, if you want to make a truck, you need to erase from your mind all the trucks that exist on the market and take into account only the laws of physics and the fact that you need something to move cargo from point A to point B. And you will have to think about everything else.

  1. This algorithm is suitable not only for carder, but also for all creative people who want to start a new stage in their creativity. Ask the right question. If you are faced with any challenge, do not look for obvious solutions. First, formulate a key question that has never been asked not only by you, but also by other people. This is the thinking principle that Elon Musk used to create the electric Tesla Semi Truck. He made him focus on a truck that would not just be better than its competitors, but which would be the best in the world. In other words, by asking the question, Musk changed his focus and thought about what a good truck means and what its components are, and not about how to improve the characteristics of existing trucks on the market in order to bypass other companies.
  2. Collect as much data as possible. This stage consists of conducting experiments. Experts are interviewed, literature is studied, and real experience in this area is even gained. An example of this stage is the story of how Elon Musk, toying with the idea of creating an underground tunnel for cars, asked his employees to vacate the parking lot near his office and began digging a hole to find out how long it might take him to build the tunnel.
  3. Develop hypotheses. After collecting data, hypotheses are formulated. And not just one, but a whole series, and each hypothesis is assigned a probabilistic characteristic. The probability is carefully calculated, otherwise you can fall back into a zone far from innovation.
  4. Draw a conclusion. At the fourth stage, it is necessary to look at the hypotheses again and ask certain questions. How correct are they? How relevant are they? Will they necessarily lead to a conclusion and with what probability? How confident can one be in this conclusion?
  5. Try to resolve the conclusion. Another wonderful stage that many miss and are afraid of. You need to ask other people to refute the conclusion. It is a refutation that can allow you to feel confident. Here again are questions that need to be asked. What's wrong overall? What are the weak points? Why doesn't the idea work in practice? Etc. If you don't carry out this stage, you can fall into the trap of thinking and take into account only those data that confirm the conclusion and miss those that can leave no stone unturned in it.
  6. You have probably found a solution if your conclusion is not refuted. The key word at this stage is “probably.” Even when developing a new solution, you must leave the room for new information and not take the conclusion as the final truth.
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