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Unknown hackers stole confidential information about the transportation of Bundestag deputies

Neon Ghost

Staff member
Dec 3, 2020
Hackers, by analyzing this information, can establish the residences of members of parliament.

Unknown persons carried out a hacker attack on the data processing center of the BwFuhrparkService GmBH company. The company is 75.1% owned by the Bundeswehr and 24.9% by Deutsche Bahn AG, it also transports Bundestag employees and organized 142 trips for Bundestag members in 2019.

The company had to admit that unknown persons managed to steal confidential data. The fact is that the system stores information about where and from where the company transported the deputies, the time and date of travel, and intermediate stops. Therefore, hackers, by analyzing this information, can establish the residences of members of parliament.

Upon learning of the hacker attack, the Bundestag administration informed the deputies about it, indicating that it is not yet known who was behind the attack, as well as for what purpose it was carried out. It is not yet clear when exactly the hacker attack took place.
In addition to politicians, the military could also have suffered, because their personal data is also stored in the company's databases. Data centers are now on hold to protect customer information from intruders. All computers will be scanned for viruses and malware.
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