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Dec 5, 2020

From today, the top ten ways to be friendly

"Three things in human life are important: the first is
Type; the second is good. The third is kindness. "

Henry James
"No one can go back to start a new starting point, but today, anyone can start and get a new ending."

Maria Robinson
In daily life, friendliness is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
Life will become easier, and your interpersonal relationships may improve.
Overall, you will feel happier. The feeling of self -esteem and the beautiful things you have will increase. This is one of the topics I absolutely likes, and I have created the most popular process in my self -esteem.
But this is also a thing that is often ignored, or some people may commit something.
In order to make positive changes, there will be only one new habit today. One of the kindness and love for yourself. In this article, you can find my 10 habits.
1. Invest yourself.
Reading for 15-30 minutes in the morning or evening, listening or watching to improve materials can help you understand yourself and the world, or help you live a better life.
Then, if possible, take a small action on the knowledge you have learned.
2. When the internal critic or external critics attacked, find the truth and exception.
Your own critics may not always say good to you. People around may attack you, or try to disappoint you to meet your needs.
If you or others do this, I want to ask myself this question:
But what are the exceptions?
It is very effective to change your thoughts and find the truth rather than reduce your thoughts.
For example, if you or someone says that you do not perform well in school, then you can ask questions and find the answer to tell you that this is not true.
For example, if you question the attack and find an exception, you can see that you actually do well in most courses, but you may have some irrelevant laziness in mathematics and geography.
This is a delicate fact that can help you, not just disappoint you.
3. No teacher tonight.
Take a bath and read something to escape. Or exercise. Or talk to someone about your thoughts and then release everything.
For 30 minutes or longer, keep your body and spiritual friendliness to maintain tension and pressure.
4. You can enjoy yourself in the morning or 2 minutes.
Create a more friendly and balanced self -image by appreciating your fast and daily habits.
This is what you have to do:
Sitting down the diary in the form of a smartphone, computer or paper. Ask yourself:
What are my own three things?
Maybe you are a good listener, or you do well in your hobby now. Or you like animals, people or music.
This is not a big deal. Maybe you use dental floss or brushing this morning.
The important thing is to appreciate your little things, but you may think of it, not just to reach a big milestone occasionally.
5. A mediocre day? Take a small step forward and move towards a positive direction.
If you feel mediocre or just frustrated, you will take a positive step to bring new hope and optimism into your day and one week.
Putting or studying your trip.
Get dinner with good friends or drink a cup of coffee.
How to grow in his career to grow in his career to gain new exciting things.
Try new hobbies.
6. Friendship with others.
Your way of thinking and treating others is usually the way you think and treat yourself. Therefore, over time, choose to be more friendly to others, be more friendly to yourself, and understand yourself.
For example:
Let someone enter your lane when driving.
When they are not sure or have no motivation, please encourage friends or family members.
When you let someone vent, listen there.
7. If you encounter bumps, please be your best friend.
Don't defeat yourself, this will weaken your self -esteem. Become friendly and supportive friends, not yourself.
Ask yourself: In this case, how do my friends/parents support me and help me?
Then do things, talk to himself like him or her.
Remember to ask yourself, you can learn from travel, and whether there is a chance in this case. Then promote the new knowledge you get.
8. Laugh.
Take 5-10 minutes in the middle of a day, or if it is impossible, please use your morning or evening.
Use smartphones, computers or TVs, watching half of fun editors or scene comedies, reading interesting books or comics, or listening to the podcasts you know will make you laugh.
For more than ten years, I have used this, and even before I am very interested in personal development.
I found that this is one of my most effective things

Can do to recharge my Energy and Optimism and to release inner tensions.
9. Remember, The FUTURE IS Still in your Hands. And it is never too to change.
Do n’t get stuck in thought loops that just go round and routh about what you count have or what week.
Think about what you really want in the rest of your life install.
E Better Health?
L A Great Relationship?
L New Challenges in your career?
Now, what are a few Small Steps you can take tokards that goal?
Take one of the Those Steps today. Then another tomerrow.
By Knowing the Reason that is smart to be kider to your excerses, beComes Easier and Easier to be kind to take the time for it ever y day.
By Reminding Yourself of Benefits Such as Better Real Life Results, More Perseverance, Higher Self-Esteem IonsHIPS with your own exceer people it bersier to stay kind to your life ’s natural ups and downns.

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