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Dec 5, 2020

Carding Tutorial [Part 5]
Carding: Carding: Online, Instore, Going through vendors and advice, Phishing for change of billing addresses
Including drops and what you need to know;Huge guide written by me

kay major updates done to this carding yext, it will cover the basics of most carding knowledge. Going into absolutely everything would mean having to go onto ID theft and fake IDs which can be classed as 2 different categories of their own.

What I'm going to cover:

Online Carding
- A quick overview of what online carding is
- SOCKS and why we use them
- Finding a cardable site and what cardable means
- Carding "non cardable websites" with fake CC scans and other fake documents

Carding while on the job
- Getting CC, CVV, CVV2 through use of mobiles
- Skimming whilst on the job
- Using carbonless receipts to get details (pretty outdated method)

- Trashing for receipts and credit reports (pretty outdated although still works)

Phishing over the phone
- Phishing over the phone for details

Keylogging for CVV2s
- Hardware keylogging

Carding Instore
- What instore carding is (very brief)
- How it's done
- How to act and present yourself instore

Carding over the phone
- Carding over the phone

- Services provided in IRC
- Advantages to using IRC for info
- Disadvantages
- How to find carding channels (Will not go too much into this as there are secrets between fellow carders which we like people interested enough to find out for themselves)
- Vendors and how to approach them
- How to rip in IRC (EVERY vendor, reliable or not has ripped some n00b who acted like they knew what they were doing)
::::WU BUG BULLSHIT and how to rip n00bs and gain more::::

Phishing for Change of billing
- What COB is and why it's useful
- Use through phishing pages
- Use through keylogging

Drops and what you need to know about them
- Drops and what you need to know about them

What carding is
Carding summed up quickly is the act of obtaining someone's credit card information, from the CC#, CVV, CVV2, CVN, and the billing address, along with the expiry date and name of the person the card belongs to along with a signature.

Online Carding
Online carding is the purchasing of goods done over the internet with the CVV2.
Now for you n00bies you're probably wondering what a CVV2 is, it's simply just the database of basic info for the card such as the card type (e.g. Mastercard) First and last name, address and post code, phone number of the card owner, the expiry date (and start date if it's a debit card or prepaid CC), the actual CC number and the CVC (card verification code, which is the 3 digits on the back of the card).

This is the format you usually get them in when you buy off IRC:
:::MC ::: Mr Nigerian Mugu ::: 1234567890123456 ::: 09|11 ::: 01/15 ::: 123 ::: 123 fake street, fakeville, ::: Fake City ::: DE24 TRH ::: 01234-567890 :::

SOCKS and why we use them
Now with ANY fraud at all you have to take precautions so you don't make it easy for anyone to catch you in your wrong doings. As usual I swear against TOR for carding/scammin because most nodes are blacklisted by websites and because TOR cycles through various different proxies; and even if you configure it to go straight through an exit node of your choice it's still not worth it. You can use JAP but make sure you're using some constant sock proxies from the same city, town or area that the card is from; also go wardriving and use a VPN (don't trust anyone off IRC with these, you'll have to do some searching around yourself for a highly trusted one and one which won't comply with LE).

You can get good SOCKS from anyproxy.net (people are selling accounts for the site in IRC all the time), that's the best place but even I ended up losing the account eventually (unknowingly I was sharing it with some Nigerian dude who became selfish).

So we use SOCKS because they stay constant. But don't let that get your guard down, you want FRESH proxies everytime you card.

Finding a cardable site and what cardable means
Basically a cardable site holds these characteristics and what you should be looking for to determine an easily "cardable" website:
- The top one you need to look for on the site's TOS is that they send to any address and not just the one registered on the card (although you can easily get around this if they don't, with a COB, photoshopped verification (will go into detail later) or some social engineering over the phone).
- The next important to look for is if they have a visa verification code or mastercard secure code (most of the time if you ask your vendor they'll include them in your CVV2 details textfile), if they do have one of these you have to put in and you don't have them then don't waste your time
- If they ship internationally (for obvious reasons, but you can just stick to local websites and order to your local drop)
- If they leave packages at the door when no one's in, or around the back in a safe area (I know of one site in the UK that has all these qualities including this one, it is perfect for carding clothes)
- Also you can't forget to see what other security checks they need to do (if they need to call you up to verify or want a utility bill, passport or a scan of the actual CC)

It is hard to find websites online now that have most of these qualities, therefore we have to use COBs and photoshop to help us along the way, which is what I'll go into now.

Carding "non cardable websites" with fake CC scans and other fake documents
Okay so say you come across a site that will deliver to another house not registered on the card, but they want verificaton either through phone or scans of a utility bill, credit card or passport.

For this you'll want to get a pay as you go deal for a cheap shitty mobile all in fake details (say a nokia 3210, brick LMAO!), or you can use spoofcard.com to your advantage to help you. Hell if the person's details you're using is local to you and you're daring then go to their home and beige box from there; it'd be very convincing.

If they speak to you over the phone have all details in your mind about the item you're carding, have some bullshit story if you're having it sent to a diff address such as a family member's birthday and you need it there as quick as possible as it's a last minute thing, or some shit like that. If you're carding multiple sites at the same time it's easy to get them mixed up, so make sure who it is calling you 1st.

For CC scans and how to do them check the attachments at the end of this file, they explain so much better than I could. How you use them is once you've made them like the tuts have said to do, you then tilt them a little bit so it does actually look like a scan. To make it even more believable put some paper in the scanner (dark shade if you must), scan it and open in photoshop and then put the shopped CC scan of the front onto it and then do the same with the back, then send the scans to them via e-mail or post. Same goes for utility bills (can be got through trashing or your own, and then edited in PS).

Do not use the same designs when making your CC scans, otherwise it will become too obvious. To give you a head start on mastercards (what I recommend for n00bs to go for) I'm giving you a globe hologram image so you won't have to buy them in IRC; unfortunately all of my visa hologram pics are shit, but I'm working on getting a good one soon.

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