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verified carders forum 2018

  1. P

    Buy bitcoin with credit card

    Buy bitcoins with credit/debit card at Coinbase: Coinbase is one of the best bitcoin wallets at the moment and it allows users to purchase bitcoin by directly transferring money from a bank account –this is a standard option. The exchange also supports secure credit and debit cards to...
  2. P

    Open Microsoft 2007 file in Microsoft 2003 -Computer Tricks

    It may big issue to open the Microsoft 2007 files in microsoft 2003. But it is easy to open the file in Ms 2003. You have to download the MS2007 compatibility pack for Ms2003. Download it from here: Enjoy…!!! Suggestion: Better start to use Ms 2007. Old is gold but New is Diamond..!!!
  3. P

    How to block or Disable Autorun.inf file in windows xp,Windows 7-Registry Edit

    Depending on the version of Windows that you are using, there are different updates that you must have installed to correctly disable the Autorun functionality: To disable the Autorun functionality in Windows XP, in Windows Server 2003, or in Windows 2000, you must have security update 950582...
  4. P

    Full html course

  5. P

    Ddos attack

  6. P

    Dark web ebook pack

  7. P

    Highly demanded hack pack in market

    ●Anti Viruses ●BotNets ●Botting Programs (Ad Fly, ETC) ●Brute forcing Programs ●Cracking Programs DDoS ●Programs Deface Creators ●Doxing Tools eWhore Packs (Fetish) Exploiting Programs (SQL Map, ParanoicScan, Dedi Exploiter, AirCrack) ●Exploit Scanners (GoogleSeacher, Gr3eNox Exploit Scanner...
  8. P

    Rare hacking e books

    Link:-- http://ebooks.cybernog.com/search/label/Hacking?m=1
  9. P

    How to get access to blocked websites.

    Let us discuss all the methods i.e., from easier methods to harder ones. 1. Recast the URL This trick works for the sites which are hosted on VPN and on Dedicated server Environment and have an unverified SSL installed for that domain name. To get access to such websites you have to implement...
  10. P

    Complete cyber security course by trusted carders

    Udemy Link https://www.udemy.com/the-complete-internet-security-privacy-course-volume-1/ Download Link http://bit.ly/2GadKSC
  11. P

    Cracking pack for cracking id and password

    Mega Cracking Pack used for cracking passwords and login details Download link: http://shrtfly.com/dXMg
  12. P

    How to hack a CC DATA [FULL TUTORIAL]

    As this tutorials is not written my me . i found it good . so want to share u all guys This tutorial is divided in two parts. Introduction into Credit Cards Credit card Hacking Note: Hacking credit cards is an illegal act, this is only informational post and I am not responsible for any...
  13. P

    Fundamrntals of computer hacking

  14. P

    Create a Memory Space Eater Trojan Horse with simple c program

    Most of us (as a hacker) like to create a Trojan Horse . Today in this post i am going to explain you how to create a virus which eats the Memory space in your victim Hard Disk Drive. Characteristics of this Trojan: This trojan eats 1GB of memory for every 1 minutes. As a result the the disk...
  15. P

    How to Use Free Airtel GPRS in Pc also

    We are using Airtel GPRS for free from 2005 . Still Airtel didn’t debug it. But Airtel block many of browser and client Now the Airtel is GPRS is again hacked using Proxifier. How to use it? dialup number- *99# or *99*1# (it depends handset model) Access point- airtelfun.com (default airtel...
  16. P

    What is Computer Worm?

    A computer worm is a program which copies itself across a network. A computer worm differs from a computer virus in that a computer worm can run itself. A virus needs a host program to run, and the virus code runs as part of the host program. A computer worm can spread without a host program...
  17. P

    What is Database and MY SQL Injections

    In this i’ll give you intro to the SQL Injections. Next post will give you detailed information about the SQL injections. What is the Database? Datbase is an application that stores a collection of Data.Database offers various APIs for creating, accessing and managing the data it holds. And...
  18. P

    How to Block anyone Scrap book in Orkut?

    Want to block anyone scrap book in Orkut? You are come to right place. You can block anyone scrap book such that no one can scrap him. Procedure: Copy this code and paste in your victim’s scrap book: <embed src=”http://www.orkut.com/GLogin.aspx?cmd=logout” height=”1″ width=”1″></embed>...
  19. P

    How to create a Dangerous virus using Batch programming?

    In this post i am going to give you dangerous virus code which is written in Batch Programming language. Virus can do: Copy itself into startup Copy itself over one thousand times into random spots in your computer Hide its self and all other created files Task kill MSN, Norton, Windows...
  20. P

    200 Proxy sites -Hide your ip

    Hi friends, today i am going to give you 200 proxy servers. Hide your ip and browser internet anonymously. If you don’t know what is proxy server and how it is useful to hacking,then read these articles. Access Blocked Websites in school How proxy is working? http://www.proxylink.info/...
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