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tor carders forum 2021

  1. Neon Ghost

    Facebook will Accelerate Blockchain Adoption

    The future of blockchain is still mysterious, there’s simply so much going on. Don’t let the blockchain hype fool you, we’re still in very early days where mainstream adoption only occurs in the decade ahead. With Facebook’s massive pivot into becoming an in app communications & privacy leader...
  2. Neon Ghost

    Cryptocurrency news roundup

    This week’s summary of various cryptocurrency news and developments. New developments: Cryptocurrency exchange Binance fended off a ‘massive’ theft attempt One of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Binance, was recently hit with a large scale theft attempt, that it managed to fend off...
  3. Neon Ghost

    EVERYTHING you need to know to become a PRO HACKER

    LEAVE A POST SAYING THANK YOU IF IT HELPS In response to a user's question asking "what do I need to know to become a hacker ?". In this post I am regrouping what ethical, black hat and grey hat hackers think are the essential skills and knowledge any pen tester should know: At the top you will...
  4. Neon Ghost

    Wpbullet - A Static Code Analysis

    A static code analysis for WordPress Plugins/Themes (and PHP) Installation Simply clone the repository, install requirements and run the script Code: git clone https://github.com/webarx-security/wpbullet wpbullet cd wpbullet pip install -r requirements.txt python wpbullet.py Usage Available...
  5. Neon Ghost

    How To Hack Any Social Media Account very easily

    All of us will hack it with a clone site. What clone site is? Duplicate site is a real site (usually login site) that actually if you try to login or pressing any button that will transfer you to another link will not work. Once we make the clone site and dispatched it to our sufferer, he will...
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