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  1. RedX

    Bitcoin double spend tool

    rget's wallet, whereas the second transaction goes back to you. Once the second transaction gets confirmed, the first one is cancelled. Why should I care? An application vulnerable to double-spending allows anyone using this tool to buy products and services with bitcoin, for free. From...
  2. RedX

    Decent socks service

    one that has german socks online, at least 30 simple socks5.. please don`t recomand super-socks.com they have 10 german socks and they are the same for 3 months __________________ God Forgives, I Don't
  3. RedX

    tools and tips for security wake up!!

    Privacy is an issue that is never taken seriously enough, but for which our tool is the pc should be taken very seriously because our evidence and could be a long holiday in college "jail" so brings a pair of tools that can reduce risk. DNS Cache: Every time you load a web page in your...
  4. RedX

    Which VPN provider and why?

    I would first say, be wary of any provider on a forum, that's exactly how DM went down. A member offered VPN and everyone jumped on, assuming they were hidden only to find out later, it was a honeypot. With your VPN choice, also list which country you prefer to use. Obviously USA is horrible...
  5. RedX


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