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  1. RedX

    Using little-known Google functions to find the hidden

    Article content Looking for files Filtering the search results We use bureaucracy Climbing into the clouds Spying on configs Reveal passwords from the database Don't forget the obvious Keep an eye out for updates Targeting and filtering again Finally, an example Getting private data does not...
  2. RedX

    CRUNCHYROLL ACCOUNTS for legit carders

    EMAIL | PASSWORD [email protected]:jaloni94 [email protected]:notrub10 [email protected]:eek:ctober19 [email protected]:000219 [email protected]:ultimus1 Link: www.crunchyroll.com
  3. RedX

    Free paypal Logins

    [email protected] kkkkkk75 unverified personal �0.38 EUR Die 1 Card 0 Bank Bulgaria [email protected] 15121976tqcom unverified personal $0.00 USD 1 Card 0 Bank Vietnam [email protected] Mart13ns unverified premier $0.00 USD 1 Card 0 Bank South Africa [email protected]...
  4. RedX


    First, we will need a VPN (I recommend private one with dedicated IP). We will need a new email to use on Paypal. (So head over to cock.li and hit register, sign up for the email you want and then login to it at mail.cock.li. or any other mail provider you choose) Now, we will need a US...
  5. RedX

    Western Union Carding / E.x.p.l.o.i.t + Money On Hit Tutorial +

    Western Union Carding / E.x.p.l.o.i.t + Money On Hit Tutorial + 1. Needed Stuff to get your Transfering game on. - Credit Card Details Needed. Example: 4921818767100863 CVV: 773 Full name: Trevor J Thomas Expires: 04/14 DOB: 22/Aug/1943 Country: United Kingd0m State: Stafford City: Stafford...
  6. RedX

    Western Union Tutorial by legitcarders.ws

    Western Union Tutorial 1 You need main things to card Western Union ! 1) Fresh credit card or fullz contain dob ssn and mmn and other things This is the example of fullz First Name : BARBARA Middle Name : L. Last Name : MILLS Spouse Name : Father Name : Billing Address : 26 MAIN ST. City ...
  7. RedX

    Working Method To Cashout Dumps (USA)

    Working Method To Cashout Dumps (USA) 1. buy dumps 2. encode plastic 3. go to a store that sells prepaid visa gift cards grab a prepaid visa or mastercard 4. make sure the store has the self swipe credit card terminal so you swipe the card yourself) 5. purchase prepaid visa or mastercard gift...
  8. RedX

    List of BINs - which code for which bank(world banks)

    BANK IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ~~VISA BINs~~ ^^^^ ^^^^ *4000-4999* 401903 = Bank of America 402400 = Bank of America 402402 = Bank of America (Gold) 403200 = Household Bank 4040?? = Connecticut National Bk 4040?? = Wells Fargo 4050xx = 1st Interstate 4052?? = First...
  9. RedX

    Carding Training for beginners complete Guide By Legitcarders.ws

    Carding for beginners Heading: Encryption part 1 Encryption part 2 Introduction to security based *unix-like systems The safety and anonymity in the Internet. Configuring the virtual machine Cards Mediations Warming-up shops Antidetect Searching for shops, merchant Europe and Asia Carding from...
  10. RedX

    Credit-Carding 101

    Part one in a series of postings about the workings of the credit card industry. DEFINITIONS ----------- First some terms, along with the meanings they have in the industry: Cardholder - an individual to whom a credit card is issued. Typically, this individual is also responsible for payment...
  11. RedX

    Information on How to Card!

    Information on how to card! First of all, you need a good drop site. A drop site is a place where you are going to have the package shipped to. The best places are usally private homes where people work during the day. A easy to way to get one, walk out your house and look around. Find any...
  12. RedX

    Credit Card Formats, byLegitcarders.ws of The Power of Plastic

    Ä Area: The Power of Plastic [CyberCrime] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Msg#: 2 Sent Date: 14 Jun 92 16:49:17 From: Shadow Master Read: Yes Replied: No To: All Mark: Subj: card formats ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ [American Express] XXXX...
  13. RedX

    Credit Card Number Generation Kit For The Apple

    __________________________________________________ _____________________________ Title: Credit Card Number Generation Kit For The Apple. Author: Written By The Phantom Viper. Info: Hayes Hacamatic ][, The Next Generation: Part C. __________________________________________________...
  14. RedX


    ALL IN ONE CHECKER [AIO] Mail Access Checker Cracked by PC-RET ! Use socks4 for very speed! VT: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/...4932/detection keywords: all in one checker,mail access checker,mail access checker 2018,mail access checker 2019,mail access checker 2020,aio checker...
  15. RedX


    eggdrop installation is a little explanation, Eggdrop is an irc bot program that we often encounter on irc or what we know as chatting, the advantages of eggdrop: - flexible in user file structure - can be accessed via dcc chat, and users can talk to each other on the 'partyline' - You can use a...
  16. RedX

    RDP, full online security

    Hi carders! keep talking about the online security because the freedom is so important, the most important. VPN and SOCKS make a very good team, but as I said on the post about VPN, with the help of the VPN provider your real IP can reach in the hands of Feds and same time with your IP also a...
  17. RedX

    Skin painting

    I think I have to speak about skin because I had a lot of questions about this. Here's a list of tricks to do paint more "realistic" skin with your computer... I. Skin Tones Avoid simple gradients. You cannot obtain convincing skin if you only add black and white to a basic skin tone. It's...
  18. RedX

    DUMPS vs CVV

    Hi guy I hope you all doing well.Today I toke the time to replay to all your mails so if you didn't get a replay this mean you're mail didn't arrived in my mail inbox or was about vendors name.I observe that some of you can't make the difference between online and in store carding and between...
  19. RedX

    Top 25 cyberattack Methods Used by Hackers

    Hackers are always equipped with multiple techniques to take down their target, understanding their techniques can be helpful to interrupt their attack vectors, targets, and results. While their attacks could be of different types the mere intention is to erase, encrypt, steal or cause havoc to...
  20. RedX

    Fully Configured & Ready to Run Virtual Machine - VMware 10 | Fully Configured & Ready to Run Virtual Machine - VMware 10

    And so, for those who are too lazy to set up a virtual machine, or simply cannot do it for some reason, I post my fully configured virtual machine for work, it has everything that is needed for our not easy profession. 1. Download from the official site VMware 10...
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