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  1. P

    Windows 10 Pro Latest Keys

  2. P

    Carding Terms for NOOBS 2024

    Billing address -> the card owner address Drop -> innerman. His task is to receive the money or goods and, accordingly, to give the part of the earnings to you. Biling -> office, which has agreement with a bank. Also this office assumes payments for the cards. Card bill -> it’s a Bank emitent...
  3. P

    XSSCon - Simple XSS Scanner Tool

    Powerfull Simple XSS Scanner made with python 3.7 Installing Requirements: BeautifulSoup4 pip install bs4 requests pip install requests python 3.7 Commands: Code: git clone https://github.com/menkrep1337/XSSCon cd XSSCon python3 xsscon.py --help Usage Basic usage: Code: python3...
  4. P

    Carding Paypal Fresh Method 2024

    Carding Paypal Tools" You Need To Successfully Card Paypal : A Fresh CC + CVV , AVS Must Be 100% Correct! A RDP Matching The Country & The State of The Fresh CVV The RDP Must Be CLEAN & Have A Proxy Score of ZERO] THE RDP MUST HAVE NEVER BEEN USED ON PAYPAL...
  5. P

    Diabolic TrafficBot Full Edition v7.9 Full Activated

    Download Link : https://bit.ly/3gBqLf1 VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/15e02de73432c12e775a5c7b9c3f6c0fa26f0c8b6a79e780c348b85abb7e2b69 Password WinRAR = 1
  6. P

    How To Get Free Gift Cards Private Method 2024

    (I used this method today to get $50 Amazon Gift Card and $50 Google Play Gift Card) 1. Go to the google play / App Store and download the Fetch Rewards app. 2. Create an account and if prompted, use the referral code 3H7JEW for a 2,000 point bonus when you complete your first scan. 3. Once...
  7. P

    How to Card Hotels A Carding Tutorial for 2024

    What you will need to successfully card hotels: 1. Valid non-VBV CC with BIN information 2. Any hotel booking website (e.g., hotels.com or booking.com) 3. An email that has the cardholder’s name 4. SOCKS located in the cardholder’s city Once you have all that handy, let’s begin carding hotels...
  8. P

    Public WiFi security

    While it’s convenient to use the Internet connection at the shopping mall, airport, restaurant or park, such connections can be less secure and vulnerable to a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) or a fake WiFi hotspot attack. Using a VPN secures users from such attacks.
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    How can I protect myself from TrickBot?

    Learning how TrickBot works is the first step to knowing how organizations and consumers can protect themselves from it. Here are some other things to pay attention to: Look for possible Indicators of Compromise (IOC) by running tools specifically designed to do this, such as the Farbar...
  10. P

    VPN for a year

    In this topic, I will tell you about how you can get a free VPN for 1 year. 1) Go to the official VPN site - https://onevpn.co/ 2) Register. 3) Log in with a registered username and password and in the appeared field enter the promotional code HNEWS_PROMO 4) Then download and use
  11. P

    Cashing out cvv via Online Games

    How to cash Credit Card » How To CashOut CC « »This Tutorial will show you, how you can make money with Credit Cards from EVERYWHERE!!! « »At first check your equipment..« »1st : Onlinegame « »2nd: Creditcard « »3rd : Proxy «...
  12. P

    Directory Bruteforcing

    Directory Bruteforcing One thing you learn when you start a career pentesting is: Never assume anything. In my experience hacks aren’t always elegant and elaborate. Sometimes something simple and effective is your avenue of penetration. Which brings us to today’s topic: directory...
  13. P

    Mobilerecharge.com Carding Method

    Use USA Fresh Same Zip IP (As Per The Cc) 911 Recommended ✔ Go To Mobile Recharge ✔ Choose Operator ✔ Type Your Number ✔ On Next Page SignUp With Cc Detail ✔ You Will Be brought to Payment Page, Submit Billing Address & Cc Num, Expiry & Cvv Click "I Accept Terms & Cond." And Hit Place Order ✔...
  14. P

    In Italy, Hackers Stopped Vaccination Records

    Vaccine reservations have been suspended, activities to administer them are ongoing, but data entry has to be done manually. Official portals associated with the vaccination program in the Lazio metropolitan area have been hacked. They were hacked against the background of the introduction of...
  15. P

    Emv V8.6 Chip Reader & Writer Software

    EMV Reader Writer Software v8.6 is the most powerful EMV Smart Card Reader/Writer Software in the world EMV Reader Writer Software v8.6 Is able To Read/Write/Duplicate/Delete any EMV Protocol such as 201,206,226 or any EMV other Protocol,it will allow you to Read/Write/Duplicate/Erase...
  16. P

    STEAM - Gift carding- G2A

    Visit to this link; https://www.g2a.com/en/steam-gift-card-global-20-usd-steam-key-i10000000258091 Add 5-10 20$ each steam card in your shooping cart. Click on Buy Now Now choose Skrill to Pay. Now come to main point.. 1. Prepare valid cards, find some cards from non-vbv boxes from these...
  17. P

    Cashing out cvv-buy E-Gift Cards

    add the Icq contact number,hoping to help you get a fast replay to your question in real time,but I start to believe I made a huge mistake.As I said from the first posts of Carding School,carding is not a winner ticket to lottery,it is not a get rich over night work and it require lot of work...
  18. P


    Att.com (Pickup) Zip cc Zip ssn 2 In cart Drop name everywhere (both name on order and name on card ) Choose pickup location Cc info for cc part only Ssn number and DOB p3 edey hia for the SSN side Debit classic card Dey fire most After thank you, within 30 minutes, check order status , if...
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    How to build your own botnet in less than 15 minutes

    First tutorial! Hope you enjoy! Let me know that you used it by liking this! Step 1: Find a builder kit (3 minutes) Using a combination of search terms, you can usually find a link to a version of a popular builder kit in 3 minutes or less. Our chosen kit was originally an underground - yet...
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    Carding Gaming Hacks And Refunding For Profit 2024

    Hello everyone, I hope that there are gamers who play games and like to cheat. I'm playing CSGO and I'm a big cheater, I was buying good cheats to become a better player than others. Now, what I'm going to show you is something good even if you're not a gamer. Why? Because with this you can...
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