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carders forum 2021 reddit

  1. Neon Ghost


    5355830007747991 11/24 200 Benny Arell Swedish Mastercard
  2. Neon Ghost


    FOLLOW THE METHOD TO GET THE BEST RESULTS *METHOD DOUSNT KILL CARDS 1. Sign up for: -truthfinder.com – findme.cm – https://voice.google.com/ 2. Once u have purchased your cc go to thruthfinder and search the name and address and open the report. 3. Search for the SSN on findme make sure the...
  3. Neon Ghost

    E-GIFT CARD CARDING Method 2021

    E-GIFT CARD CARDING METHOD ( Steam wallet code, PlayStationNetwork (PSN) code, iTunes code, Google Play. Amazon giftcard, ...) Presenting here E-Gift card carding method of 2021 As I said this carding method is new and maybe you’ve never seen it before. But it 100% working and very simple. You...
  4. Neon Ghost


    1.Get a good client in US to buy the card... 2.U can get ur client ssn if its good (SSN of 550+ shd work fine) 3.If u can't get client ssn go to unicc or any ssn shop online and buy an SSN that matches ur client name 4.Perform background check on ur ssn using truthfinder or findme to be sure...
  5. Neon Ghost

    100% How to Card Amazon Method Step-by-Step

    1.U need to get an Amazon Accounts older than 6 Months and with orders on it. 2.After it u need to log in and do not change any password or something else. 3.Get VPN Same Country of the Amazon Account. 4.Log in / Log out many times !! DO NOT DELETE YOUR CACHE ON BROWSER / HISTORY 5.Add your...
  6. Neon Ghost

    Basic ID Making Tutorial

    I will first run down the things that you will need. I am going to tell you what you need to make a professional looking state driver lisence, you may not need all of this but it is what is needed to make it look real if you don’t use something that I tell you to it’s your call, your ID may...
  7. Neon Ghost

    Finalrecon - osint tool for all-in-one

    FinalRecon is a fast and simple python script for web reconnaissance. It follows a modular structure so in future new modules can be added with ease. Features FinalRecon provides detailed information such as: Header Information WHOIS SSL Certificate Details Found Flag in SSL Certificate -...
  8. Neon Ghost

    IRC Services, HOWTO register and use

    New IRC Services Hey guys, we have some new services available on IRC so I'm writing this tutorial to help get people up to speed on how to register with nickserv so that A. you can prevent people from hijacking your username and B. you can be assigned a status within each channel that will be...
  9. Neon Ghost

    Flerken - obfuscated command detection too

    Command line obfuscation has been proved to be a non-negligible factor in fileless malware or malicious actors that are "living off the land". To bypass signature-based detection, dedicated obfuscation techniques are shown to be used by red-team penetrations and even APT activities. Meanwhile...
  10. Neon Ghost

    Basic Malware Analysis Tools

    In the upcoming 6 hacking tutorials we will be talking about basic malware analysis and we will start with discussing the many different Basic Malware Analysis Tools which are available. A Malware Analyst is someone highly skilled in reverse engineering malware to get a deep understanding about...
  11. Neon Ghost

    Advance and undetectable facebook & instagram hacking course

    This course is originally uploaded by DedSec and It explains 5 different techniques through which you can hack Facebook and Instagram Account … It Includes:- –Advance Phishing Pages –Hacking Facebook On Local Networks –Facebook Latest Bruteforce –Hacking Instagram Using Fake Page –Hacking...
  12. Neon Ghost

    FinalRecon - OSINT Tool For All-In-One

    FinalRecon is a fast and simple python script for web reconnaissance. It follows a modular structure so in future new modules can be added with ease. Features FinalRecon provides detailed information such as: Header Information WHOIS SSL Certificate Details Found Flag in SSL...
  13. Neon Ghost

    Just how Just Opening A Malevolent Powerpoint File Could Endanger Your Pc

    several months back we reported how opening a simple MASTER OF SCIENCE Word file could endanger your personal computer utilizing a critical susceptability in Microsoft Office. The Microsoft Office remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2017-0199) stayed in the Windows Subject Linking and...
  14. Neon Ghost

    Salsa Tools - ShellReverse

    Salsa Tools is a collection of three different tools that combined, allows you to get a reverse shell on steroids in any Windowsenvironment without even needing PowerShell for it's execution. In order to avoid the latest detection techniques (AMSI), most of the components were initially written...
  15. Neon Ghost

    How To Double Your PayPal Balance From legitcarders

    First you create 3 paypal accounts The first should be your main 1. Send the money you want to double to your second account through goods & services 2. On your second account transfer that money to your third account 3. After that, Go back onto your first account and escalate the claim for...
  16. Neon Ghost

    RapidScan - The Multi-Tool Web Vulnerability Scanner

    Evolution: It is quite a fuss for a pentester to perform binge-tool-scanning (running security scanning tools one after the other) sans automation. Unless you are a pro at automating stuff, it is a herculean task to perform binge-scan for each and every engagement. The ultimate goal of this...
  17. Neon Ghost

    How to build a double slider sign-in and sign-up

    Some of you might already know but for those who don’t, I’m starting a Weekly Coding Challenge with all you! This challenge is meant to help improve our coding skills by practicing on real-life projects. You can read more about this challenge and how you can join it by reading The Complete...
  18. Neon Ghost

    Termshark - a terminal ui for tshark, inspired by wireshark

    A terminal user-interface for tshark, inspired by Wireshark. If you're debugging on a remote machine with a large pcap and no desire to scp it back to your desktop, termshark can help! Features Read pcap files or sniff live interfaces (where tshark is permitted). Inspect each packet using...
  19. Neon Ghost

    5 Gbps Internet speed on Mobiles

    In ten years we might look back at how we used to have to wait for films to download, or web pages to load, and wonder how we ever coped. A team of researchers has developed a 5G data connection that is 65,000 times faster than current 4G technology. The astonishing speed reached one terabit...
  20. Neon Ghost

    3 Steps GMail MITM Hacking Using Bettercap

    Computer security is improving and getting tough day by days, but most of technology leave the users behind about the importance of awareness of the user itself. According to the website bettercap.org this tool is a powerful, flexible and portable tool created to perform various types of MITM...
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