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carders forum 2020

  1. P

    2 Cardable Jewelry Sites, Shipped

    1: https://www.carolazeta.com/pages/designers 2: https://westbankapparel.com/ Method: Bill = Ship Ip = Your
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    BlackEye - The Most Complete Phishing Tool

    BLACKEYE is an upgrade from original ShellPhish Tool (https://github.com/thelinuxchoice/shellphish) by thelinuxchoice under GNU LICENSE. It is the most complete Phishing Tool, with 32 templates +1 customizable. WARNING: IT ONLY WORKS ON LAN! This tool was made for educational purposes! Phishing...
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    How to Create Con Folder in windows using Cmd?|Computer Tricks

    we all know that can’t create con folder in windows. Read this article to know why is it not possible to create con folder? Here is simple trick to create con folder in windows using Command Prompt. Step 1: Open Command Prompt(Start->run->cmd) Step 2: Type this command: md \.d:con This will...
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    why can not we create con folder in windows?

    A Reason Behind the Con Folder Creation in Windows We all know that we can’t create Con, Folder in windows. not only con but also ” PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9 and more”. Here i am going to...
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    Write Review about BTS-Get Backlink from page rank 7,4,3

    Hi BTS(Break The Security) readers, Today i have planned to introduce a new offer for my visitors and budding web masters,bloggers. You may curious to know what it is. If you write review about BTS ,then you will get backlink from our website. Your link will be placed in this page BTS...
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    Introduction to Cain & Abel tool-How to use cain and abel?

    Cain and abel tools is password recovery tools(let us use it as Hacking/Cracking Tools). This cracking tool allows us to crack the password using different kind of methods. Some of them are: Brute Force Attack Dictionary attack Crypt Analysis attack recording VoIP conversations sniffing the...
  7. P

    How to Crack MD5 Using Cain and abel tools-Brute Force Attack

    Hi Hackers, hope you like the tutorials from BTS(Break The Security). Last time i have introduced a cain&abel cracking tool(read for more details “Introduction to Cain and Abel cracking tool“). Now i am going to explain how to use the cain and abel tools for cracking MD5 passwords(Using Brute...
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    How to Crack the Hash Code using Dictionary Attack ?|Cracking Tutorials

    In my previous posts, i have explained what brute force attack is and how to implement using cain tools. Today i am going to explain what dictionary attack is. Dictionary Cracking Method: This is second type of Cracking the cipher text. Trying all known passwords is known as Dictionary...
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    What is the Difference between Brute Force vs Dictionary Attack

    In my previous posts i have explained what is brute force and dictionary attack. Please before reading this article, read the following article: Dictionary Attack cracking Hash code What is Brute Force Cracking Attack? if you understand the clearly what is brute force and dictionary...
  10. P

    Hashcode Cracking using Hashcat| Backtrack 4 Tutorials Part 1

    I have Break The security(BTS) readers, this is first Backtrack 4 hacking tutorial. Today let us see about the HashCat cracking tool(Dictionary attack). if you don’t know what is Dictionary attack,then please read this Dictionary Attack Practical Example Backtrack 4 Tutorials Step 1: Boot...
  11. P

    How to Write files to CD/DVD without any Software?

    Windows xp itself provide you this feature to write files to cd. Step 1: Insert your empty CD in CD drive. Step 2: Copy the file that you want to write to CD. Step 3: Open My Computer. Open the CD directory. Step 4: Paste the file inside the CD Step 5: On the Left panel , you can see...
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    Mozilla Firefox Interesting Tricks-Just for Fun

    This post is just for fun. You can impress your friends/lover with this trick. Copy the following path into mozilla browser and hit enter. See the Magic..!! Small scrolling Mozilla chrome://global/content/alerts/alert.xul Display Preference...
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    WESTERN UNION ACCOUNT CASHOUT GUIDE AND METHOD 2022 A lot of guys have contacted us just to ask us the question time and time again “if Western Union is still cardable using phished accounts?” After receiving many contacts our content team has decided to help you guy by shedding some light on...
  14. P

    Carding with any Smartphone tutorial 2022 method

    Carding with a smartphone is regarded as extreme difficult by newbies since most tutorials cover how to card with PC since they are safe and availabilities of PC carding tools, in this tutorial I will teach you how to card online store securely on your smartphone or tablet. Well, most pro...
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    Carding Tutorial Latest update Must Read You Should Be A Pro Carder 2022

    Carding is not something easy I must confess, you really need to devote your time to get success, So If you follow this tutorial carefully, I guarantee you that within a week of real practising, you should be a pro carder. What is Carding? Carding is a term described as a trick whereby products...
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    et’s get right to it! #1. The first thing is first, you have to know someone with a “verified CashApp” (mother, father, sister, brother, or just a friend ) and their account “must-have” transactions for over “3-4 months” so CashApp won’t take the account down so fast and make the account...
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    Password Cracker Open Source Software Created by BreakTheSecurity

    Hi Break The Security’s Hackers, i have created Password Cracking Tool. I have released it as open source software in sourceforge.net. This tool uses Dictionary Attack method to crack the MD5, SHA-1,MD4,SHA-128,256,512 hash codes. Now it is simple and basic tool. In future it will become more...
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    How to Use the Password Cracker 1.1 to crack hash?

    Thanks for supporting Break the security. I have released my own Hash Code Cracker Software two days back. Read the Following Articles: Password Cracker Open Source Released How to Launch the Password Cracker in Any operating System? What is Dictionary Attack? Hope , you know about...
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    How to make Virus/spyware Undetectable by all antivirus?

    Usually if you create malicous programs(virus,spyware…), the antivirus will detect easily. It will scan the source code. if it finds the malicious source codes, then it will alert as “virus”. To know more details about antiviru program read this article: How does Anti Virus detects viruses I...
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    Linus Torvalds(Hacker), Father of Linux -The one who inspired me .

    Hi Break The security readers, today let us know about Linus Torvalds ,the one who inspired me lot. Linus torvalds born on December 28,1969 at Helsinki in Finland, father of our Linux. He is known as software engineer and hacker. “If you want to travel around the world and be invited to...
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