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carders forum

  1. P

    OWASP Passfault

    OWASP Passfault evaluates passwords and enforces password policy in a completely different way. https://legitcarders.ws/ Running the Command-line Interface: install java 8 jdk cd core ../gradlew installDist run build/install/core/bin/core Running the jsonWebService: cd jsonService...
  2. P

    Threat Hunting Using Yara

    Threat hunting is a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating cyber threats that have already entered an organization’s network. It involves actively searching for indicators of compromise (IOC) and signs of malicious activity that may not have been detected by traditional security...
  3. P

    Facebash - Facebook Brute Forcer In Shellscript Using TOR

    Facebook Brute Forcer in shellscript using TOR WARNING: Facebook blocks account for 1 hour after 20 wrong passwords, so this script can perform only 20 pass/h. Features Save/Resume sessions Anonymous attack through TOR Default Password List (+39k) Usage: Code: git clone...
  4. P

    How To Get US Bank Account And Virtual Credit Card For Cashout Method

    Getting the bank account It is not advisable for you to use your real bank account details in making this transfer so you need a fake bank details. this is a very simple way to get the bank details both within and out the U.S.A . Lets assume you are not in the USA but if you are in the states...
  5. P


    This method will allow you to use your CCs to purchase Bitcoins, Ethereums, Monero, Lisk etc… through a mobile app. You won’t need a computer, only a smartphone, an Android smartphone should be better than an iPhone because this app have only few different altcoins with IOS and much more with...
  6. P


    This method will allow you to use your CCs to purchase Bitcoins, Ethereums, Monero, Lisk etc… through a mobile app. You won’t need a computer, only a smartphone, an Android smartphone should be better than an iPhone because this app have only few different altcoins with IOS and much more with...
  7. P

    Carding Website

    Now that you have all this above, let’s start carding Let’s say we want free phone like Samsung S6, IPHONE 6, etc... First of all choose a online shopping website from your country. Why? Because if you choose shopping site from another country, either they will not be able to make delivery in...
  8. Neon Ghost

    Vulnerability in a proxy service revealed the criminal activity of its owner

    Microleaves is a botnet and antivirus enemy Microleaves proxy service (Shifter.io) recently patched a vulnerability on its website that exposed the database of all users. The data disclosed as a result of the hack showed that Microleaves proxies are provided by affiliates who are interested...
  9. Neon Ghost

    Tor Browser now automatically bypasses internet filtering

    The Tor Project development team has unveiled a new version of the famous browser - Tor Browser 11.5. This release adds new functionality to help users bypass site blocking and web filtering. In Tor Browser 11.5, developers decided to focus on circumventing censorship, a task that was set back...
  10. Neon Ghost

    Operators ask to reduce fines for gray SIM cards

    Cellular communication market players wrote to the State Duma. Rostelecom, MTS, MegaFon, Tele2 and Vimpelcom with a request not to introduce large fines for gray SIM cards. Amendments to the law “On Communications” are now being finalized by the Ministry of Digital Development. Kommersant got...
  11. Neon Ghost

    Elusive Romanian hacker extradited from Colombia to US

    The attacker helped create and distribute the Gozi malware. Mihai Ionut Paunescu, a 37-year-old Romanian citizen accused of participating in a cybercriminal network that created and distributed the Gozi malware worldwide, has been extradited from Colombia to the United States. The...
  12. Neon Ghost

    Ireland and Great Britain lost product due to cyber attacks

    Cyber attack on food supplier disrupts major food shipments A food supplier was unable to deliver thousands of goods across Ireland and the UK following a cyberattack. Due to the attack, Wiltshire Farm Foods was unable to contact customers to inform them of the system failure and delivery...
  13. Neon Ghost

    Mysterious gang hacked into the systems of one of the largest Australian prisons

    Port Phillip Prison was forced to suspend visits to inmates following a cyberattack. Anonymous hackers have taken control of Port Phillip Prison's Internet network, forcing the authorities to tighten security measures. While the police are investigating the cyberattack, the prisoners are...
  14. Neon Ghost

    Icebox - Virtual Machine Introspection, Tracing & Debugging

    Icebox is a Virtual Machine Introspection solution that enable you to stealthily trace and debug any process (kernel or user). It's based on project Winbagility. Files which might be helpful: INSTALL.md: how to install icebox. BUILD.md: how to build icebox. Project Organisation fdp: Fast...
  15. Neon Ghost

    Free Windows RDP - Never Pay For RDP Again

    Go to: https://www.apponfly.com/ Start a free trial and you're done, now you have a windows RDP. Supported on almost any device, as long as you are running a browser.
  16. Neon Ghost

    Bypass Gmail Phone Restriction (Create Infinite Gmail Accounts)

    1. open up the youtube app on your phone 2. click your profile 3. click the arrow next to your name and handle 4. click create account 5. when it asks you to put in a phone, just scroll down and press "skip" i've personally done this for 50+ gmail accounts and it never fails! if it blocks you...
  17. Neon Ghost

    Send Inbox | Assure That Your Spam Emails Always Reach Victim's Inbox Tutorial

    1. Invest in a Professional SMTP Yeah the truth sucks but you can't send bulk phishing emails without a reliable SMTP server, you can crack it but I always find cracked SMTPs unreliable so if you want to send professional Phishing Emails this step is very important and most hackers and phishers...
  18. Neon Ghost

    Google Play Carding Method & Bins

    Google play store carding 1.If you wanna card Google play and Google play gift card As usual clear your Cookies in browser via Ccleaner. [According to the BIN, I have mentioned the IP below] 2. Then go to any app that is paid and below like 2$ or less , go to payment info. 3. Get your live CC...
  19. Neon Ghost

    Free RDP Very HQ Method 100% Working Now No Need To Pay For RDP

    1. Go to vultr.com/register 2. Register a account with a gmail/outlook/yahoo (don't use temp mail) 3. After logging in go to billing and add your card (REQUIRED) 4. Enter the promo code "FLYVULTR250" to get a free 250$ credit 5. Use the credit to buy a rdp! Free rdp Note :- BE CAREFUL: After...
  20. Neon Ghost

    Latest Gift card carding Method 2024

    1. Connect to the same City Proxy as the CC Or VPN of The same state. 2. Go to the website Find And Browse GCs for 2mins 3. Add 2•$25 worth of email GCs and Checkout as guest. (You can also add 1 $50 GC) 4. While checking out as guest Use The email similar to the name of CC owner. You can use...
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