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altenen carders forum

  1. RedX


    Proxifier The basis of any anonymity is the ability to work without traffic leaks. This feature is provided by Proxifier. With this program, you can let traffic flow through a strict flow without leaks. If your VPN, SSH tunnel, or Socks crashes, this program will block all outgoing packets and...
  2. RedX

    Pyscard user manual Guide by Legit carders

    Table of contents pyscard user manual Copyright Introduction Smart cards Fast start Reader-centered approach Reset response (ATR) Card-centric approach Card request via ATR Request any card Custom card types Selecting the card communication protocol Object Oriented Approach APDU Tracking...
  3. RedX

    How to test a card with an EMV chip and see the CVM list By Legitcarders.ws

    Okay, here's my step by step description. Note that this assumes Fedora 20. If you are on Windows this will be much easier (the drivers are built-in). If you are using a Mac it will be much more difficult (you need to compile Cardpeek ). If you are using a different Linux distribution, it will...
  4. RedX

    legitcarders.ws CardPeek Guide

    CardPeek is a tool for reading the contents of ISO7816 smart cards. It has a graphical interface for representing map data as a tree and is extensible with the scripting language (LUA). The goal of this project is to provide smart card holders with a better way to know what personal information...
  5. RedX

    Using Cardpeek to Define a CVM Card List legitcarders.ws

    EMV CVM Database Do you have an EMV credit card and how to determine what the CVM card list looks like? This tutorial will show you how to do it. What You Need To least of all read CVM, you need some kind of hardware that can read a smart card. If you have a reader that works with a US...
  6. RedX

    How Trojan Horses Work

    Trojan horse viruses can put your computer at risk and cause your system to slow down or crash. How are they admitted inside? One of the most enduring stories of the Trojan War, the most important conflict in Greek mythology, is the story of the Trojan horse. While trying to find his way to the...
  7. RedX

    5 things to consider when buying antivirus software

    Internet security software is available to perform anti-virus and anti-spyware scans of your computer system, but since there are so many different products on the market, how do you know which is right for you? Whether you're using a Windows PC or Mac, tablet or phone, one thing's for sure...
  8. RedX

    How to remove a computer virus

    If your computer has been hit by a virus, don't give up. There is still hope! We all know that malware exists. Malware includes applications that spy on you, damage your data, destroy your hard drive, or transfer control of your machine to someone thousands of miles away. In whatever form it is...
  9. RedX

    How mobile phone viruses work

    Mobile phone viruses of the future can be as debilitating as computer viruses. The first known cell phone virus appeared in 2004 and hasn't made much headway. Cabir only infected a small number of Bluetooth-enabled phones and took no malicious action - the malware team created Cabir to prove it...
  10. RedX

    How to protect against identity theft

    Destroy all documents containing sensitive information such as account numbers or social security numbers. Do not throw them away entirely or leave them lying at home. Identity theft is a modern problem, a crime fueled by the use of checking accounts, credit cards, identification numbers and...
  11. RedX

    How to browse the web anonymously

    Many people have legitimate reasons to hide their identity on the Internet. The Internet is a way of lulling you into a false sense of anonymity. After all, how can someone find out your real identity in the virtual world? In fact, by simply connecting to the Internet, you share information...
  12. RedX

    Can the government see which sites I visit?

    Edward Snowden speaks via video link with participants of the MCI Alumni and Friends Conference at the Congress in Innsbruck on October 18, 2018 in Innsbruck, Austria. There was a time when the idea that the US government could spy on your online activities could seem like a contrived...
  13. RedX

    Web beacons and the importance of the Riskified Referer AF

    Good day! Today The technology Web beacons and see how the AF system Riskified refers to where the user came from. A little bit about the company Riskified - Company mediocre. He is engaged in account protection, risk analysis, protection against refunds and protection of payments. Companies...
  14. RedX

    All about Darknet

    The darknet is an anonymous and uncontrolled part of the Internet that is inaccessible to ordinary search engines like Google. It operates in a decentralized manner, and is accessed through special browsers such as Tor, which route encrypted messages through multiple servers to mask the user's...
  15. RedX

    Keyloggers: what are they and how are they used to steal personal data

    Hackers aren't the only ones who can use keyloggers to intercept your keyboard taps to extract passwords and other sensitive information. After reading enough articles about cybersecurity and hackers , you will definitely stumble upon the topic of keyloggers. It sounds very sinister, mysterious...
  16. RedX

    How to conduct secret correspondence in a world where everyone is being watched

    Today, let's take a detailed look at the methods that informant and ex-NSA employee Edward Snowden used several years ago to contact journalists. Encryption Make sure that you are using end-to-end encryption specifically. In this case, the message will be encrypted on one end – say, on a...
  17. RedX

    The Six Handshake Theory: How It Works

    Sometimes, in places far away from your homeland, you may accidentally meet someone who was friends with your parents, or sat at the same Desk with one of your colleagues, or was the boss of your former boss. "The world is small," they usually say in such cases. How far can such a chain of...
  18. RedX

    How does two-factor authentication (2FA) differ from two-step authentication (2SV)?

    Two-factor (2FA) and two-step (2SV) authentication are ways to further protect your account. Even developers often put an equal sign between them. But this is not true. What is two-factor authentication? The key word here is factor. In total, there are four of them: knowledge of something for...
  19. RedX

    Extortion as a Service. Who and for how much offers to help with extortion on the darknet.

    Epidemics of cryptographic Trojans regularly replace one another, and their scale is growing. And behind the scenes of this problem are businessmen who offer those who want an easy way to become hackers (and with a good probability to earn a criminal record). In this article, I will talk about...
  20. RedX

    What are ZIP bombs and why you shouldn't be afraid of them

    Sometimes this file is called a death archive ordecompression bomb, because the archive is capable of disabling the system in the shortest possible time. However, it's not so bad — ZIP bombs can't blow up a computer. The classic archive of death can be downloaded here...
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