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Search results

  1. Cowboy

    'Liquid Vesting' Is Oxymoronic Blockchain Feature That Lets Early Investors Sell Without Waiting

    The new feature from Colony Lab, a developer and project incubator in the Avalanche blockchain ecosystem, called "liquid vesting," lets early investors, such as founders or VC backers, sell their tokens before their vesting period is over. Even in anything-goes crypto trading, there are...
  2. Cowboy

    Wish.com carding method

    Here Is The Latest Tutorial To Card Products From Wish.com Without CC Easy Method Must Read Carefully❤ 1. First You Need To Crack Wish Accounts Or Buy Cracked Account From Shops 2. Then go to www.wish.com and login (Clear Cookies & Connect IP To Owner Location) 3. then choose the item that...
  3. Cowboy

    How to Activate Paypal Account for Free

    A RDP Matching The Country & The State of The Fresh CVV The RDP Must Be CLEAN & Have A Proxy Score of ZERO] THE RDP MUST HAVE NEVER BEEN USED ON PAYPAL ========================================== Login To The You Acquired, Remember It Clean & Have A ZERO Proxy Score! After You Have Logged In...
  4. Cowboy

    UK shuts down ‘trust me bro’ crypto firm that promoted $1.7B Ponzi

    A UK-based crypto advice firm that told customers their investments were “100 certy” and to “trust me bro” was shut down by the country’s High Court last month following an investigation into investor losses. Amey Finance Academy, helmed by sole director and self-proclaimed ‘wealth creation...
  5. Cowboy

    Nike Scam New Method 2024

    CC (a good BIN) A physical debit card (can use your own as method is safe) *Key points:Do this on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Sunday. Thursdays and Fridays allow too long for your order to be pending and Nike does a ‘ghost charge’ on the victims payment method. STAGE 1: Buy a CC in a...
  6. Cowboy

    Amazon UK E-Gift Cards Working Tutorial

    1. Put on UK VPN or SOCKS5. 2. Clear all cookies with CCleaner or any good software. 3. Get UK CC (visa works best). 4. Go to hotmail.com then create email with name of CC (if name is John Smith, make similar). 5. Go to Amazon.co.uk and click gift card then select print now. 6. Pick a design and...
  7. Cowboy

    Good Cardable Site Ship 100%!

  8. Cowboy

    Spotify checker for android

    Spotify account Checker for Android First account checking app in the cracking world Use mail:pass combo Download it now http://www.mediafire.com/file/wkpf2gn7e7n9kna/Spotify+Checker.apk Enjoy
  9. Cowboy

    All cmd commands

    Don't Leech and Enjoy! https://anonfile.com...md_Commands_txt
  10. Cowboy

    Phonia Toolkit - One Of The Most Advanced Toolkits To Scan Phone Numbers

    Phonia Toolkit is one of the most advanced toolkits to scanphone numbers using only free resources. The goal is to first gatherstandard information such as country, area, carrier and line type onany international phone numbers with a very good accuracy. Phonia installation Phonia...
  11. Cowboy

    Pentest Tools Framework - A Database Of Exploits, Scanners And Tools For Penetration Testing

    Pentest Tools Framework is a database of exploits, Scanners and tools for penetration testing. Pentest is a powerful framework includes a lot of tools for beginners. You can explore kernel vulnerabilities, network vulnerabilities. How to install PTF(Pentest Tools Framework) Download...
  12. Cowboy

    One-Lin3r v2.0 - Gives You One-Liners That Aids In Penetration Testing Operations

    One-Lin3r is simple modular and light-weight framework gives you all the one-liners that you will need while penetration testing(Windows, Linux, macOS or even BSD systems) or hacking generally with a lot of new features to make all of this fully automated (ex: you won't even need to copy the...
  13. Cowboy

    VulnX v1.7 - An Intelligent Bot Auto Shell Injector

    Vulnx is An Intelligent Bot Auto Shell Injector that detects vulnerabilities in multiple types of Cms, fast cms detection, information gathering and vulnerability Scanning of the target like subdomains, IP addresses, country, org, timezone, region, and and more ... Instead of injecting each and...
  14. Cowboy

    JEx Bot v3 - Mass Shell UPload Bot - CPANEL FTP SMTP WP CRACK - AUTO GRAB URL

    JEx Bot v3 - (Anonfile mirror) : https://anonfile.com/Pfgb92X3ne/jexv3_zip Zip Pass: azizc99tn_ Features: Auto Grab Website list with dork?‍+ FAST Scan+ Auto Symlink, Get cpanels, Shells, FTP, SMTP, Configs, Sqli Targets, Dump Data and etc...? Upload Automatic Shells and BruteForce SMTP...
  15. Cowboy

    NTLMRecon - A Tool To Enumerate Information From NTLM Authentication Enabled Web Endpoints

    A fast and flexible NTLM reconnaissance tool without external dependencies. Useful to find out information about NTLM endpoints when working with a large set of potential IP addresses and domains. NTLMRecon is built with flexibilty in mind. Need to run recon on a single URL, an IP address, an...
  16. Cowboy

    Evil SSDP - Spoof SSDP Replies And Create Fake UPnP Devices To Phish For Credentials And NetNTLM

    This tool responds to SSDP multicast discover requests, posing as a generic UPNP device. Your spoofed device will magically appear in Windows Explorer on machines in your local network. Users who are tempted to open the device are shown a configurable phishing page. This page can load a hidden...
  17. Cowboy


    PyLoggy is simple and powerful Python keylogger that is able to log keystrokes, log mouse clicks, take screenshots and more! The tool will send the logs to your email every minute(you can change this). Installation Clone it: Run it: You can also convert PyLoggy to EXE using PyInstaller or...
  18. Cowboy


    Bluetooth scanner for local devices that may be vulnerable to Blueborne exploit. Quickstart Code: Breakdown Scans for local bluetooth devices Looks up the OUI of the MAC to see if it matches vulnerable devices DOWNLOAD: blueborne-scanner
  19. Cowboy

    Simple Keylogger

    Simple Keylogger – A simple keylogger for Windows, Linux and Mac Welcome to the simple keylogger repo! A keylogger is a program that records your keystrokes, and this program saves them in a log file on your local computer. Check out below to learn how to install them. These keyloggers are...
  20. Cowboy

    Bins For Carding Non Vbv Enjoy

    400344 capital one non vbv 403623 non vbv 546533 good non 415976 non vbv 544215 100% non 530044 100% non 443044 100% non 405731 100% non 511565 100% non 545377 100% non 553071 100% non 534628 100% non 486290 100% non 489504 non vbv 418230 non vbv 468451 non vbv 524408 non vbv 530558 non vbv...
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