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ABA Routing Number is a unique nine-digit number, usually placed at the bottom of the check, before the account number (framed by colons). Allows you to uniquely determine the bank where the amount for which the check is drawn is located.

Acquirer (Acquiring Bank) is a bank or financial organization that carries out the whole range of operations to interact with bank card service points, which consists of terminals in the trade and service network and ATMs. Upon receipt of data on operations performed in the network, the acquirer sends them to the system for making appropriate calculations. The acquirer is responsible for refunds to merchants where purchases were made or services were paid for using cards.

Address Verification Service (AVS) - the operation of verifying the address where the invoice for the purchased goods is received.

Approval is a confirmation, a code sent by the issuing bank to confirm that the buyer's plastic card exists, is usable and the requested amount is within the allowed limit. Confirmation is requested during the authorization operation.

Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is a device designed to receive cash using a plastic / smart card.

Authorization - authorization, payment request. The authorization process blocks money in the account, reducing the amount free for spending. To make a withdrawal, you must complete the authorization process. If the authorization process is not completed within the time specified by the issuer, it is canceled and the previously blocked amount is released for spending.

Authorization Code - authorization code. A code, consisting of letters and numbers, sent by the issuing bank (Card Issuer), confirming the authorization. The authorization code must be included in the Sales Draft issued by the seller.

Bank Identification Number (BIN) - numbers on a plastic card that uniquely identify the Issuing Bank. This is usually the first six digits and is often referred to as a bin.

Batch is a set of transactions saved for simultaneous payment, which usually happens once a day. Batch can be completed both automatically and using a POS terminal.

Batch Processing is a type of data processing in which a certain set of transactions is processed at a time.

Billing Address is actually the address to which the invoice for the purchased goods is received.

Capture is a decision to present a specific transaction for payment. All transactions submitted for payment are included in the Batch and sent to the payment processor or payment gateway.

Card Issuer is an organization responsible for issuing and servicing plastic cards.

Card-Not-Present - a situation when the seller is unable to see the buyer, and the plastic card is physically inaccessible to him, that is, he is unable to read information from the magnetic strip, check the signature, view the hologram, etc. In order to increase the reliability of payment in this case, the Address Verification Service system is used.

Card Unblocking is the opposite of Card Blocking.

Certification Authority is the organization that is trusted to issue public key certificates.

Chargeback - payment return operation. The amount that is deducted from the seller's account at the request of the owner of the plastic card. If the correctness of the cardholder is recognized, the payment amount plus the charge for ChargeBack (Chargeback Fee) is deducted from the merchant's account. The ChargeBack operation is initiated by the issuer after the acquirer has completed the transaction.

Chargeback Reason Code is a two-digit number that encodes the reason for the payment return.

Check Guarantee is a method that guarantees payment on a check within the amount set for a specific account.

Chip Сard - smart card (also IC - integrated circuit card). A plastic card with a microprocessor inside that can store "electronic money".

Сlose Batch - transfer of transactions with authorization codes to the payment processor in order to transfer money to the merchant's account.

Commerce Server is an Internet server connected to a payment processor, which has everything you need to accept payments: software that stores information about all purchases and the total price, a database, etc. Commerce Server usually allows you to establish a connection over one of the secure protocols such as SSL.

Confirmation Letter is an e-mail sent to the merchant by the payment processor containing information about the Batch files submitted to the processor.

Credit Card is a plastic card showing that a credit has been opened for its owner in the issuing organization. This allows the owner to make purchases or receive money from the ATM within the maximum limit established by the agreement between the holder and the issuer.

Credit Card Processors (Third Party Processors) - An organization usually hired by an acquiring bank to provide payment processing services.

CVV2 / CVC2 is a three-digit control number that is printed on the back of a bank card. This number is displayed in the upper right corner of the special signature field. Entering the number helps to ensure that the card is used by the real owner. CVV2 classification is used for VISA cards. CVC2 classification is used for MasterCard cards.

Debit Card is a debit bank card. Unlike a credit card, the amount spent by the buyer is automatically deducted from his account. Debit card payments usually require a PIN

Decline - a transaction that the issuer refuses to authorize the payment.

Demand Deposit Account (DDA) - a standard account (checking account), where funds can be transferred.

Deposit - the moment when the seller forms (closes) the Batch file and sends transactions to complete.

Deposit Bank is the bank where the seller's funds, withdrawn from the buyers' card accounts, are sent.

Digital Signature - digital signature. A sequence of characters, obtained by means of asymmetric cryptography (Public Key Cryptography), attached to the message and confirming its authenticity.

Digital Wallet is a digital wallet. A program for paying for goods by credit card. Before buying something, the buyer registers in the payment gateway, receives a name and password, and then can make a purchase on any website that supports this type of digital wallet.

Discount Rate - the percentage charged by the acquiring bank from the seller for each purchase.

E-Commerce - e-commerce, a certain type of activity carried out using electronic means of communication.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a global computer network, separated from the Internet, used by banks and other financial institutions to process payments.

Electronic Data Capture - the use of a POS terminal to authorize and transfer transactions to a bank card processor or other MAP. The role of a POS terminal can be played by special software or a Payment Gateway.

Electronic Cash Register (ECR) is an electronic cash register, in other words, a combination of a cash register and a POS terminal. Often, ECR is a software application installed on a personal computer

Electronic Draft Capture (EDC) - a system in which transactions are transferred from various locations to a central computer (Host Computer) for storage and processing. The accumulated transactions over the period are then transferred to the payment processor.

Electronic Money (e-money) - digital cash. Stored electronically in computers or microprocessors. At the disposal of the buyer. Digital cash can be purchased and stored in a special storage device.

Electronic Purse is a smart card that stores digital cash (e-money).

EMV-specification - uniform international requirements for microprocessor cards, describing the requirements for the card, terminal and the process of information exchange between the card and the terminal.

Factoring - a situation when the
merchant / service enterprise's own identification number in the payment system (Merchant Account) is used to receive payments for an additional commission for the needs of another merchant. This activity is considered illegal.

Floor Limit - if the price of the product is below the Floor Limit, the seller can do without authorization (making sure that the card is not listed as lost or stolen). Floor Limit is usually set by the issuer.

Front-End - information that the buyer sees on the seller's website. Front-End allows the customer to interact with the e-cart, database, and pay for purchases.

Holdback (Reserve Account) - part of the funds received by the merchant from card payments, blocked by the acquirer or another MAP to cover the cost of chargeback and other controversial payments. After a certain period of time, the Holdback is returned to the seller.

Host Capture - automatic creation of a Batch file in a payment processor or payment gateway.

Host Computer - a computer that performs authorization and termination.

Imprint - reading card parameters. It can be electronic (via a POS terminal) or manual (obtaining a card imprint using an imprinter). Imprint is required to prove the physical presence of the card at the place of purchase.

Interchange - the flow of information between the issuer and the acquirer, for example, transactions, returns, etc.

Interchange Fee - the commission that the acquiring bank pays to the issuing bank for each transfer operation from a bank card. This commission is part of Discount Fee.

ISO (Independent Service Organization) is an organization that helps merchants to accept payments by plastic cards. Merchants should generally already have an open Merchant Account before working with ISO.

Issuer (Issuing Bank) - an issuer, a bank that issues bank cards and opens card accounts for individuals and legal entities.

Key - a key, a set of numbers used in a cryptographic algorithm.

Key length - the length of the key (Key), measured in bits.

Limited-purpose prepaid card is a smart card that can be used only at strictly defined points of sale of goods or services.

Load - an operation to load digital cash into a digital wallet.

Load Log - a record of the last digital cash loaded into a digital wallet.

Local Review is the merchant's ability to see the contents of the Batch file from their terminal or ECR before or after the transaction is completed.

Locking (Card Blocking) - blocking a smart card, preventing its further use.
Magnetic Stripe - magnetic stripe. It is located on the back side of a plastic card and contains encoded information about the card account associated with this card.

Manual Entry (Keyed Entry) - operation of manual input of card parameters from a computer keyboard or POS-terminal.

Member - a financial institution - a member of the international payment system association.

Merchant is a legal entity that accepts payments by plastic cards.

Merchant Account is a unique identification number of a merchant / service enterprise in the payment system, which allows you to accept payments by bank cards. By registering a Marchant Account, the bank agrees to pay the merchant / service provider for the correct transactions (purchases) in exchange for withdrawing funds from the buyers' accounts with the issuing banks.

Merchant Account Provider (MAP) - the organization that opens the Merchant Account.

Merchant Agreement is a written agreement between the merchant and the bank (possibly between the merchant, the bank and ISO), which establishes the rights, obligations and guarantees of the parties in the process of accepting card payments.

Merchant Bank - the bank in which the Merchant Account is opened.

Merchant Category Code - the code assigned by the acquiring bank to the merchant. This code, usually consisting of four digits and sometimes called the Sic Code, reflects the main activity of the seller.

Micropayment is a micropayment, a very small amount, perhaps less than a cent.

MID (Merchant Identification Number) is a number that uniquely identifies the merchant in the payment system.

Monthly Minimum - the minimum monthly fee that is charged from the seller for accepting payments by plastic cards.

MOTO Discount Rate (Mail Order / Telephone Order) is a commission charged by the acquirer from each transaction in the event that the merchant does not have access to the card itself, knowing only its parameters communicated to him by phone, fax or the Internet.

Non-Qualified - designation of a transaction characterized by an increased risk (for example, in the case when a transaction is carried out using the transfer of bank card parameters when it is physically impossible to access it).
Off-line - designation of the state of the system when there is no direct connection between the participants of the payment system.

On-line - designation of the state of the system, when before the execution of the transaction there is a connection with the central computer for authorization in real time.

Open To Buy - the amount of credit currently available to the owner of the card account.
Payment Gateway - payment gateway. Typically an Internet server with software installed on it that connects the merchant's web server to the payment processor.

Payment System - payment system. A set of banking procedures and interbank money transfer systems.

Pc Pos Application is a computer software application that combines any two functions from the list: cash register, value accounting, accounting software, software for authorizing and accepting payments by credit cards.

PIN (Personal Identification Number) is a digital or alphanumeric code available only to the cardholder. It is used for operations with a card account linked to a given bank card.

POS Terminal (Point of Sale) is an electronic device used to authorize and process payments by bank card.

Post Authorization is a transaction preceded by voice authorization.

Prepaid card is a smart card that stores electronic money prepaid by the cardholder.

Prior Authorized Sale - a transaction for which authorization is performed first. The merchant will authorize the card before providing the product / service.

Private Key is a private key that only its owner should have access to. The public key corresponds to the private key.

Processor - a payment processor, a computer center that processes bank card payments

Public Key - a public key, an unclassified part of a pair of two keys in asymmetric cryptography
Public Key Certificate - public key certificate. Public key information, usually including the key itself, digitally signed by an individual or organization. A certificate protects the integrity of a key if the person or organization that signed it is well known and their public keys are widely available.

Public Key Cryptography is an encryption scheme that does not require a confidential channel to establish confidential communication. To send a confidential message, you only need the recipient's public key, which will decrypt the received message with his secret key.

Public Key Encryption is an encryption method designed to overcome the main disadvantage of symmetric cryptography - the need to have a reliable channel to transmit the key to the addressee.

Real-Time Processing - the process of processing payments in real time, when verification and processing of a card payment immediately follows the purchase. Real-time verification usually takes several tens of seconds.

Receipt - a check containing a description of a purchase by a bank card, usually includes the following information: date, name and address of the seller, amount, unique number and authorization code.

Recurring Fees - regular, usually monthly payments for using a Merchant Account. Includes Discount Rate, Transaction Fee, Statement Fee, and Monthly Minimum.

Recurring Transaction is a periodic withdrawal of money from the buyer's account based on an agreement between the buyer and the trade / service company.

Retrieval Request (Copy Request) - a requirement for the seller to submit documentation about a specific transaction. Usually comes from the issuing bank in controversial cases where the cardholder disputes the transaction.

Secure Server is a secure server that allows you to establish a secure connection with the browser using the SSL protocol or SET

Session Key - a key for symmetric encryption that is used for a limited time, more often for one secure connection, for example, using the SSL protocol.

SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) is a system for ensuring the security of payment by bank cards, developed by VISA, MasterCard, Microsoft and several leading banks, based on public key encryption of information related to card parameters and the separation of information between transaction participants in such a way that none of the participants in the settlement has the entire information. With the SET standard, a buyer and a seller can uniquely identify each other by exchanging digital SET certificates.

Settlement (Draft Capture) is a payment completion process, when transactions are sent along with authorization codes to a payment processor to transfer funds to a merchant.

Setup Fee - a one-time fee charged for opening a merchant / service company identification number in the payment system (Merchant Account)

Shopping Cart Program - an electronic cart. An application launched on a website designed to collect data about a product / service that a visitor intends to purchase.

SIC Code - Standard Industry Classification code. This is a four-digit number that identifies the type of activity.

Smart Card is a plastic card that contains a microprocessor capable of performing calculations. Smart-card is designed for payment and identification operations.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a secure communication protocol over the Internet. The SSL protocol is based on a two-key cryptography method, which uses public key certificates of users (client and server) to authenticate the interacting parties and generate a common encryption key, digitally signed by special certification authorities. Thanks to servers that support the SSL protocol, the user loading the site can be sure in three main points:
The site really belongs to the company that installed the SSL certificate.
Using a unique "session key", SSL encrypts all information exchanged between the website and its users. This guarantees, at a minimum, that the data transmitted to the server will not be viewed or intercepted by third parties.
SSL data cannot be partially lost or replaced.
One of the indicators of secure communication is the address bar of the browser, in which, on a secure connection, the address will begin with https: // instead of the usual http: //, which begins with the addresses of pages that are not protected by the SSL protocol.

Statement Fee - fixed recurring fee for using the Merchant Account.

Surcharges - an additional fee for accepting payments by bank cards.

Swipe Discount Rate - the percentage charged by the acquirer from the merchant for each withdrawal of funds from a bank card physically available to the merchant.

Swiped Card is a card, information from which is automatically entered using a POS terminal.

Symmetric Cryptography - Symmetric or private key cryptography. A cryptographic algorithm that uses the same key for encoding and decoding.

Terminal Capture is a type of accepting card payments, when information about transactions is stored on the merchant's computer, and the latter manually forms a Batch from them and then sends it for payment.

Third Party Processor is a company not owned by the VISA or MasterCard payment association, hired by the acquirer to carry out authorizations and payments with plastic cards.

Ticket Only - a purchase for which voice authorization is used.

Transaction is any interaction between a buyer and a seller that affects the state of the buyer's card account.

Transaction Fee is a fixed fee charged to the seller for each purchase (usually in addition to the Discount Rate).

Transaction File (Vendor File) - a file in which the payment processor places all transactions made for the previous day.

Transaction Log - transactions recorded in the order they were committed.

Voice Authorization - voice authorization. It is used when there is no suitable device for authorization, for example, a POS terminal.

Void - the buyer's refusal to pay after the authorization of the card belonging to him has been successfully completed. Transactions marked as Void are not included in Batch and will not be charged for further payment.

Carders (from the English "card" - card) - professional criminals specializing in illegal activities in the field of circulation of plastic cards and their electronic details.


BIN (from "bank identification number" - English "bank identification number (BIN)") - a number consisting of 4 digits and intended for identification of banks - issuers of payment and settlement cards in the payment system. As a rule, the first four digits in the bank card number coincide with the BIN of its issuer.

VALID CARD (from the English "VALID" - "valid") - valid or valid card; genuine card; identification details of a valid or genuine card.
VALIDITY (from the English "VALID THRU" - "
WEBMANI (web money, WM) - payment system of the Internet (used for criminal settlements when buying and selling information about the details of other people's cards, providing consulting carder services, etc.); money received from illegal activities on the Internet.
VNEDRENETS - a member of an organized criminal group from among the employees of a merchant, acquirer or issuer.
GENERATOR (generator) is a malicious computer program that generates digital identification details (conventional and electronic) of plastic cards (as a rule, an identification pair).
IRON - computer hardware; electronic terminal without software; equipment for counterfeiting plastic cards (personalizer, printer, embosser, laminator, etc.).
INFA (infa) - information, information about something.
CARDING (carding) - illegal activity in the sphere of circulation of plastic cards and their numbers; performing any specific actions on someone else's plastic cards or their numbers.
CARDS (cardz) - payment and settlement cards.
CODE-GRABBER is a malicious computer program that selects a secret key, password or access code to the software of an electronic terminal or a database of a merchant, acquirer, or issuer to carry out an operation using a plastic card or steal confidential data.
CODER (coder) - a technical device for recording computer data (electronic details) on a magnetic stripe card.
CODING (coding) - recording computer data (electronic details) on the magnetic stripe of the card.
CODES (codes, codez) - access codes to confidential information of the database of a virtual store, acquiring bank or issuer, or to a protected object; Pin; an algorithm for "hacking" protection against unauthorized access to computer information or to a protected object.
CORDER - a criminal who specializes in counterfeiting magnetic stripe cards.
CREDA - credit or other bank card or information about it.
CRYPT (cript) - cryptographic data transformation algorithm; a program for generating identification pairs and other digital identification details of bank cards.
KRYAK - "hacking" means of protection against unauthorized access to confidential computer information contained on a plastic card or client database of a virtual store, acquirer bank or issuer.
LAMER (LAMER, LAM3R) - a card holder or a client of a virtual store - a potential victim; novice carder.
DEAD CARD - a card of no value; a card with which, for whatever reason, it is impossible to carry out transactions (wanted, blocked, transactions on which are monitored by law enforcement agencies, etc.); a card that cannot be faked.

CREDIT NUMBER - any identification number of the card; identification pair of the card; electronic card details.
ORDER - order goods in a virtual store using bank card details.
CLEAN CARD - transfer money from a card - from a special card account to another account, using a whole chain of intermediate accounts and payment systems; hide ("sweep") the traces of the stolen money.
PATCH, PACH (from the English "patch" - patch, patch) - a change in the electronic property of the card or computer program.
PATCH, PATCH - make changes to the electronic details of the card or computer program or.
CHANGE - change, reprogram the computer data (electronic details) contained on the integrated circuit of the card.
PIN (from the English "personal identification number" (PIN) - "personal identification number") - PIN-code or PIN-code: a secret key of an electronic digital signature issued to the user (cardholder, subscriber) of a computer network or telecommunications for his identification and providing access to computer information.
PLASTIC (plastic), TILES - a real-life plastic card.
VALIDITY CHECK - checking the correctness of the selection of the number, identification pair, PIN-code or electronic card details; checking whether the merchant accepts the card for a payment and settlement operation or not.
PROXY-SERVER (from the English "proxy-server" - "a server that provides authorization") - a control computer of a computer network (server), which automatically authorizes users (cardholders or subscribers) using a secret key (PIN-code or password) and gives permission to access computer information, as well as work with it.
FIRMWARE, FIRMWARE - software (a set of computer programs) stored in the memory of an integrated microcircuit.
FLASH - write any data into the memory of the integrated microcircuit; the same as "alter".
The reanimator is a criminal who specializes in counterfeiting ("recharging") cards with a fixed purchasing power.
CVC2 / CVV2 - the last three digits of the bank card number, which are calculated using the DES cryptographic data conversion algorithm using the secret key of the issuing bank and establish the mathematical dependence of the card number on its validity period.
DRAIN FROM THE CARD - withdraw money from the card - from a special card account or transfer it to another (usually your) bank account; steal money using someone else's plastic card or its details.
TRADING (trading) - trade, exchange of stolen confidential information about the details of plastic cards and their holders. For example, "I give you a spam list for 3 million users, and you give me 10 valid credits with cvv2."
A FAKE STORE is a virtual pseudoshop designed for fraudulent transactions with bank card details and personal data of their holders (like "fly-by-night companies").
FRAUD (fraud) - illegal operations performed using plastic cards and their details.
HAVE, HAVE, HAVE, HAVE, RUN - copy, modify or block a computer program, database or confidential computer information.
ELITE (ELITE, ELYTE) - professional carder, "authority".
YUZVERI, YUZERY (from English "to use" - user) - holders of plastic cards; clients of electronic payment systems; users of the "Internet" computer. Embosser is a device for extruding symbols on the map.

Card printer - a printer for printing information (pictures) on a card.

Track (Road) - part of the dump with specific information each. 1st track - information about the cardholder, 2nd track - information about the cardholder, about the bank that issued the card, and so on, 3rd track - we can say, spare, used by stores to award points and other things.

Dump - information that is written on the magnetic stripe of the card, consists of 1,2 or 3 tracks.

White plastic is a piece of clean plastic that information is applied to.

acc (from English account) - account.

billing (from the English bill - account) - payment, payment system.

ebay, ebay is the name of the eBay auction [and: 'bay].
merchant (merchant) - a merchant account, an online trading system.
transaction - a deal, a posting to accounts.

drop - the general name for someone who accepts "dirty" goods or money, they are professional (they are aware of what they are doing) or victims who are not aware of what they are doing.

stick - PayPal money transfer system;

real plastic is a fake credit card that can be used for purchases in real stores. Such a card is a kind of duplicate of a real-life credit card somewhere.

enroll (from English enroll) - linking a credit card of a bank account to the online, with the ability to change their data via the Internet.

to use (from the English use) - to use.

Access Control Cards - Access Control System Card, Pass
Plastic cards used to organize access to premises are usually in the form of magnetic stripe cards or contactless smart cards.

Acquire - A bank or other financial institution that has entered into an agreement with a trade organization to accept payment cards and is responsible for paying the bills of cardholders.

Authentication - Technology of identification in the automated information system.

Authorization - Authorization, payment request. Blocks money in the account, reducing the free (Open to Buy) amount for purchases. To withdraw money, you must complete authorization, see Settled. If authorization is not completed within the time determined by the issuer (see Issuer), it is canceled and the previously blocked amount is released for purchases

Batch - A set of transactions saved for simultaneous payment, which usually occurs once a day.
Batch can be completed both automatically and using the POS terminal

BIN - Bank identification number - a unique number assigned to a bank by a payment system for issuing and acquiring plastic cards.

Encoding The
process of writing information onto the magnetic stripe or memory chip of a smart card.

Factoring - A situation where your own Merchant Account is used to receive additional payments for another merchant. Factoring is considered an illegal operation. To legalize Factoring, special legal schemes are needed, such as in CCNOW ( www.ccnow.com).

Holdback - Part of the funds received by the merchant from card payments, blocked by the acquirer or another MAP to cover the costs of chargeback and other disputed payments. After a certain period of time, the Holdback is returned to the seller.

Slip is a synonym for the word check in relation to card payments.

Chargeback - a protest by the cardholder's bank of withdrawing money from his card.
adult, adult (from the English adult [adult] -adult)
1. site with content only for adults, porn site;
2. direction of work in carding.

acc (from English account) - account.

auk - abbreviated. from auction.

billing (from the English bill - account) - payment, payment system.

ebay, ebay is the name of the eBay auction [and: 'bay].

merchant (merchant) - a merchant account, an online trading system.

cc, credit - credit card.

ccv (short for Credit Card Verifier) is an additional security code in a credit card.

dump - information from magnetic tape or credit card chip.

carding (the term first appeared on the Russian Internet in the early 90s of the last century
1. (legal definition) a type of fraud using plastic cards or the information they contain. How does a crime refer to highly intelligent or so-called "white-collar";
2. (economic and political definition) voluntary and compulsory redistribution of funds from banks of countries with a high concentration of speculative capital to active economic entities with a high concentration of intelligence;
3. (philosophical definition) mental dexterity and no fraud.

transaction - a deal, a posting to accounts.

holder (holder) - the real owner of a real credit card.

drop - the general name for someone who accepts "dirty" goods or money, they are professional (they are aware of what they are doing) or victims who are not aware of what they are doing.

dirt, dirty money goods - money or goods, the illegal acquisition of which can be traced;
clean or "laundered" commodity money - money or goods, the illegal acquisition of which cannot be traced;

cardboard, potatoes - data of a real-life credit card somewhere, which are used by the carder, as a rule, only for transactions via the Internet;

cash - 1. cash; 2. the process of transferring money from non-cash form to cash, cashing; 3. See also "washing".

pour - cash out;

laundering - the transformation of "dirty" money into "clean" money, that is, those whose illegal origin is impossible or extremely difficult to trace and prove; severing the connection between money and its illegal origin.

stick - PayPal money transfer system;

real plastic is a fake credit card that can be used for purchases in real stores. Such a card is a kind of duplicate of a real-life credit card somewhere.

spam - sending letters by e-mail in unlimited quantities.

socks, socks-proxy (English socks-proxy) - an intermediary server between your computer and the final server site, used to hide your IP address.

shopping (from the English shopping) - purchases or a series of purchases in a store.

enroll (from English enroll) - linking a credit card of a bank account to the online, with the ability to change their data via the Internet.

to use (from the English use) - to use.

Some common English. abbreviations
------------------------------------------------- ---------

DL, driver license - driving license, driving license

ID, identity document - ID

DOB, date of birth - date of birth

SSN, Social Security Number is a state number that is assigned for each resident of the United States for taxation and cash flow accounting purposes, including credit.

SIN history - Canadian analogue of SSN

MMN, mother's maiden name - mother's maiden name
PIN, personal identification number - password analogue, consists only of numbers and is used for authorization.
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