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Dec 5, 2020
5. Create a new user on your PC/Laptop (Make sure nothing sync to the new user e.g. google chrome data – settings and stuff. This is so that you basically have a new PC/Laptop and all your cookies, Cache, Data for your Stealth account is not linked to other accounts. (To be extra careful I just browse as guest on the new user that way no cookies or cache ever get saved).
If your account does somehow get limited because you didn’t follow this guide properly then Visit SecondEyethey can create fake documents such as Passport, Supplier invoice Bank/credit card statements and print it out to make it look real, I’ve used them personally and they respond pretty fast and the documents do work.
How to no get your PayPal Limited
Never use public VPN for example NordVPN.
Never use the same name, phone number or IP when creating a stealth PayPal (They will all get linked and if 1 account is limited all your account will go down).
If your account is fully verified it doesn’t mean you wont get limited, don’t receive over $50 a day when your account is new you want to grow it e.g. receive $50 or less a day for a few weeks then move up to $60 a day for a few weeks.
Always receive money as Friends and Family when receiving money, If you get paid using Goods and Services you’re putting your account at risk every time because PayPal will want to know what that transaction is for. This is because they want to tax you or check for anti-fraud.
If you are using multiple stealth accounts create a new user on your PC or each account otherwise PayPal will detect you because of your cookies and cache. You can clear cookies and cache if you don’t want to make new users but better be save than sorry.
Once you received $1,500 or near more or less your account will 100% get limited, if you want to keep the account then Visit secondeye solutions for fake documents or just make a new account.
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