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Dec 5, 2020
1).First Introduction
This Tutorial Will Teach you what it does, how it does, Hot to use it , How to hack it and some other simple DOS commands that will be useful to you in the future.

2).NETBIOS also known as NBTSTAT
This is a program run on the Windows system and is used for identifying a remote network or computer for file sharing enabled. We can expoit systems using this method. It may be old but on home pc's sometimes it still works great. You can use it on your friend at home or something. I don't care what you do, but remember, that you are reading this document because you want to learn. So I am going to teach you. Ok. So, you ask, "How do i get to NBTSTAT?" Well, there are two ways, but one's faster.
Method 1:Start>Programs>MSDOS PROMPT>Type NBTSTAT
Method 2:Start>Run>Type Command>Type NBTSTAT
Ok! Now since you're in the DOS command under NBTSTAT, you're probably wondering what all that crap is that's on your screen. These are the commands you may use. I'm only going to give you what you need to know since you are striving to be l33t. Your screen should look like the following:

NBTSTAT [ [-a RemoteName] [-A IP address] [-c] [-n]
[-r] [-R] [-RR] [-s] [-S] [interval] ]
-a (adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its name
-A (Adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its IP address.
-c (cache) Lists NBT's cache of remote [machine] names and their IP addresses
-n (names) Lists local NetBIOS names.
-r (resolved) Lists names resolved by broadcast and via WINS
-R (Reload) Purges and reloads the remote cache name table
-S (Sessions) Lists sessions table with the destination IP addresses
-s (sessions) Lists sessions table converting destination IP addresses to computer NETBIOS names.
-RR (ReleaseRefresh) Sends Name Release packets to WINS and then, starts Refresh
RemoteName Remote host machine name.

IP address Dotted decimal representation of the IP address.
interval Redisplays selected statistics, pausing interval seconds between each display.
Press Ctrl+C to stop redisplaying statistics.


The only two commands that are going to be used and here they are:
-a (adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its name
-A (Adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its IP address.
Host Names


The -a means that you will type in the HOST NAME of the person's computer that you are trying to access. Just in case you don't have any idea what a Host Name looks like here's an example.
there are many variations of these adresses. For each different address you see there is a new ISP assigned to that computer. look at the difference.
these are differnet host names as you can see, and, by identifying the last couple words you will be able to tell that these are two computers on two different ISPs. Now, here are two host names on the same ISP but a different located server.
IP Addresses

4).You can resolce these host names if you want to the IP address (Internet Protocol)
IP addresses range in different numbers. An IP looks like this:
Most times you can tell if a computer is running on a cable connection because of the IP address's numbers. On faster connections, usually the first two numbers are low. here's a cable connection IP.
on dialup connections IP's are higher, like this:
notice the 208 is higher than the 24 which is the cable connection.
Some companies make IP addresses like this to fool the hacker into believing it's a dialup, as a hacker would expect something big, like a T3 or an OC-18. Anyway This gives you an idea on IP addresses which you will be using on the nbtstat command.
Getting The IP Through DC (Direct Connection)

5. First. You're going to need to find his IP or host name. Either will work. If you are on mIRC You can get it by typing /whois (nick) ...where (nick) is the persons nickname without parenthesis. you will either get a host name or an IP. copy it down. If you do not get it or you are not using mIRC then you must direct connect to their computer or you may use a sniffer to figure out his IP or host name. It's actually better to do it without the sniffer because most sniffers do not work now-a-days. So you want to establish a direct connection to their computer. OK, what is a direct connection? When you are:
Sending a file to their computer you are directly connected.
AOL INSTANT MESSENGER allows a Direct Connection to the user if accepted.
ICQ when sending a file or a chat request acception allows a direct connection.
Any time you are sending a file. You are directly connected. (Assuming you know the user is not using a proxy server.)
Voice Chatting on Yahoo establishes a direct connection.
If you have none of these programs, either i suggest you get one, get a sniffer, or read this next statement.
If you have any way of sending thema link to your site that enables site traffic statistics, and you can log in, send a link to your site, then check the stats and get the IP of the last visitor. It's a simple and easy method i use. It even fool some smarter hackers, because it catches them off guard. Anyway, once you are directly
connected use either of the two methods i showed you earlier and get into DOS. Type NETSTAT -n. NETSTAT is a program that's name is short for NET STATISTICS. It will show you all computers connected to yours. (This is also helpful if you think you are being hacked by a trojan horse and is on a port that you know such as Sub Seven: 27374.) Your screen should look like this showing the connections to your computer:


Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP 2xx.1xx.x8.x6:13784 ESTABLISHED
TCP 2xx.1xx.4x.3:5190 ESTABLISHED
TCP 2x.1x1.3x.x5:66 CLOSE_WAIT
TCP 2xx.1xx.8.7:26778 ESTABLISHED
TCP 6x.4.13.2xx:1863 ESTABLISHED {Where x=integer from 0-9}

The first line indicated the Protocol (language) that is being used by the two computers.
TCP (Transfer Control Protocol) is being used in this and is most widely used.
Local address shows your IP address, or the IP address of the system you on.
Foreign address shows the address of the computer connected to yours.
State tells you what kind of connection is being made ESTABLISHED - means it will stay connected to you as long as you are on the program or as long as the computer is allowing or is needing the other computers connection to it. CLOSE_WAIT means the connection closes at times and waits until it is needed or you resume connection to be made again. One that isn't on the list is TIME_WAIT which means it is timed. Most Ads that run on AOL are using TIME_WAIT states.
the way you know the person is directly connected to your computer is because of this:

Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP 2xx.1xx.x8.4x:13784 ESTABLISHED
TCP 2xx.1xx.4x.3:5190 ESTABLISHED
TCP 2x.1x1.3x.75:66 CLOSE_WAIT
TCP abc-123-ppp.webnet.com ESTABLISHED
TCP 6x.4..2x9:1863 ESTABLISHED
C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP> {Where x=integer from 0-9}


Notice the host name is included in the fourth line instead of the IP address on all. This is almost ALWAYS, the other computer that is connected to you. So here, now, you have the host name:
If the host name is not listed and the IP is then it NO PROBLEM because either one works exactly the same. I am using abc-123-ppp.webnet.com host name as an example. Ok so now you have the IP and/or host name of the remote system you want to connect to. Time to hack!
Open up your DOS command. Open up NBTSTAT by typing NBTSTAT. Ok, there's the crap again. Well, now time to try out what you have leanred from this document by testing it on the IP and/or host name of the remote system. Here's the only thing you'll need to know.
-a (adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its name
-A (Adapter status) Lists the remote machine's name table given its IP address.
Remember this?
Time to use it.
-a will be the host name
-A will be the IP

How do i know this?
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