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Dec 5, 2020

Converting Your CCV Information To A Fullz

Okay so many of you buy some credit card infos, but they do not come with DOB or SSN. However, there is a way to get them.

Step 1: Getting the phone number

If your info does not have the phone number, you should get it. For that, go on

. Enter the name of the victim and the zip code. In most of the times, you will get the phone number. Otherwise, try social media. It can help, but whitepages has a better chance of success.

Step 2: Getting the DOB and SSN
There is 1 place where you can get the SSN of your victim. There is a service called ssndob, their URL is

There you can enter the name and state of the person, and their DOB and SSN will show. You have to pay $3.70 in bitcoins for each record you buy. The site also has a history function that allows you to view your purchases at a later time. Once you got the phone number, DOB and SSN, you are good to go. One more step before you buy something...

Step 3: Getting the available balance of the card
How to make sure your card has a decent balance on it? Simple. The 6 first digits of the card number are called the BIN (check the wiki for the meaning of acronyms). So go on

, do a BIN lookup, and you will get the name of the bank. So google "bank name credit card phone" and you will get the phone number of the card service. Spoof your caller ID (not required but recommended) and call the bank. Using the automated system, you are able to verify the balance of the card. They ask questions suck as 4 last digits of SSN, zip code, DOB, etc. This is all info you already have, so you can get any balance. Ideal for purchases

Step 4: Getting the Mother Maiden Name
There is no known site that gets this information 100% accurately, but here are a few things you can try: - Card

to lookup some records - Use Facebook (search for account using e-mail address) - Use social engineering (can backfire if you're not skilled).

With all these info, you can card s**t more easily. Use these infos in any way that you think will benefit you.

Thank you..

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