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Dec 5, 2020

Link 1 (Hola): https://chrome.googl...lfbnlmeio?hl=en

Link 2 (spotify): https://www.spotify....free_trial=1)

Link 3 (namsoccgen): http://namsoccgen.com/

Card-Gen site: 41472021xxxxxxxx

1. You need Google Chrome for this, so download it if you don't have.

2. Go to "link 1(hola)" and install the extension onto Google Chrome.

3. Next once you installed Hola click the icon and select "United States".

4. After selecting US go to www.Spotify.com, and click "Log in"
then click "Sign up".

5.Go on create the account make sure to follow these rule:
-username has to be 5 letter & 3 numbers (example: Tuned123)
-Birthday year has to be "1950"

6. Once you finish signing up !DO NOT click! "GET FIRST 30 DAYS FREE"
But copy paste "LINK 2 (Spotify) into address bar.

7. Make sure to selec "Visa" and enter the zip code "90001" and click continue

8. Once there got to "Link 3 (namsoccgen) and

9.Where it says “Inserte su Bin†you’ll use this one:
41472021xxxxxxxx (with the x's included)
- “Cantidad al crear†you can set this from 5 -10 (I
always use 10)
- “Formato†we’ll leave it default (if its not on CSV
just change it to CSV)
- “Agregar†we’ll mark the check “Fecha†and once we
have all this we’ll click on “Generar Tarjetasâ€

10. Then After you generated the card numbers like ( 4147202117673556, 2017/07 )
Choose one and copy/paste them into the spotify sections
FOR THE CVC code write "666"

11. Click "confirm payment" AND voila PREMIUM SPOTIFY!


- If any problem occurs simply use another card generated by the site.

- Can I do this to may own account?
It sometimes work and sometimes doesn't, if you're part of he lucky few it may work! (It did for me and others!)
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