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Dec 5, 2020
It is easy to change your ip address without using proxy server,softwares.

  • Open Command Prompt
  • Type ipconfig /release just like that, and hit enter
  • Type “exit” and leave the prompt
  • Right-click on “Network Places” or “My Network Places” on your Control Panel.
  • Click on “properties”
  • You should now be on a screen with something titled “Local Area Connection”, or something close to that, and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks.
  • Right click on “Local Area Connection” and click “properties”
  • Double-click on the “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” from the list under the “General” tab
  • Click on “Use the following IP address” under the “General” tab
  • Create an IP address (It doesn’t matter what it is. I just type 1 and 2 until i fill the area up).
  • Press “Tab” and it should automatically fill in the “Subnet Mask” section with default numbers.
  • Hit the “Ok” button here
  • Hit the “Ok” button again
  • You should now be back to the “Local Area Connection” screen.
  • Right-click back on “Local Area Connection” and go to properties again.
  • Go back to the “TCP/IP” settings
  • This time, select “Obtain an IP address automatically”
  • Hit “Ok” Hit “Ok” again
  • You now have a new IP address
This will change your dynamic ip only not your ISP/IP Address.


New member
Mar 13, 2023
Very interestinng, change only the dynamic IP is used for....?
Sorry for my ignorance but we are here to learn.
Thanks in advance.
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