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Domained - Multi Tool Subdomain Enumeration


Apr 18, 2024

A domain name enumeration tool
The tools contained in domained requires Kali Linux (preferred) or Debian 7+ and Recon-ng
domained uses several subdomain enumeration tools and wordlists to create a unique list of subdomains that are passed to EyeWitness for reporting with categorized screenshots, server response headers and signature based default credential checking. (resources are saved to ./bin and output is saved to ./output)

Initial Install:
  • domained tools: python3 domained.py --install
  • Python required modules: sudo pip install -r ./ext/requirements.txt
Other Dependencies:
  • ldnslibrary for DNS programming:
    • sudo apt-get install libldns-dev -y
  • GoProgramming Language:
    • sudo apt-get install golang
NOTE: This is an active recon – only perform on applications that you have permission to test against.

Tools leveraged:

Subdomain Enumeraton Tools:
  1. Sublist3r by Ahmed Aboul-Ela
  2. enumall by Jason Haddix
  3. Knock by Gianni Amato
  4. Subbrute by TheRook
  5. massdns by B. Blechschmidt
  6. Recon-ng by Tim Tomes (LaNMaSteR53)
  7. Amass by Jeff Foley (caffix)
  8. SubFinder by by Ice3man543

Reporting + Wordlists:


First Step:
Install Required Python Modules: sudo pip install -r ./ext/requirements.txt
Install Tools: sudo python3 domained.py --install

Example 1: python3 domained.py -d example.com
Uses subdomain example.com (Sublist3r (+subbrute), enumall, Knock, Amass, and SubFinder)

Example 2: python3 domained.py -d example.com -b -p --vpn
Uses subdomain example.com with seclist subdomain list bruteforcing (massdns, subbrute, Sublist3r, Amass, enumall, and SubFinder), adds ports 8443/8080 and checks if on VPN

Example 3: python3 domained.py -d example.com -b --bruteall
Uses subdomain example.com with large-all.txt bruteforcing (massdns, subbrute, Sublist3r, Amass, enumall and SubFinder)

Example 4: python3 domained.py -d example.com --quick
Uses subdomain example.com and only Amass and SubFinder

Example 5: python3 dom ained.py -d example.com --quick --notify
Uses subdomain example.com, only Amass and SubFinder and notification

Example 6: python3 domained.py -d example.com --noeyewitness
Uses subdomain example.com with no EyeWitness

Note: --bruteall must be used with the -b flag

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