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Dec 5, 2020
Amazon Tutorial
Well I'll explain them 2 ways
That thing you need is to card? 1 .- Cvv2 to address, Full Name, Phone, Zip, Ci ty, and State of the cc.
2 .- you need is a sock 4 or 5 which is the st ate of the cc (I hope the city) And this sock must never have used before to create an amazon account. If you do not know what a sock google it!
3 .- you need is a program to clean up cookies .. At the end of the post I put it.
First a group of cards amazon
Well, first go to amazon .. Create an account w ith the sock. Now they have to act like a normal buyer. Alth ough they reviewed everything seems stupid for som ething is more difficult now in amazon card. They must add to cart sign out after .. Wait a few hours after entering the car denuevo delete add etc anything. You get the point. Act as a buyer ei ther. DO NOT ADD ALL OF A PURCHASE AND Altira. Wel l the main thing is that the first purchase has ke be between $ 30-100.
But a little part of Social Engineering. first since they already paid .. closed session .. Wait 5 minutes and come denuevo and can send an email to support. Saying thing you need is to buy as soon as possible because yo ur child reaches the other day from college and you want to give what you
bought to put an approved university happy becaus e bla bla ... Ahi invent what you want.
Then depending on what time it is very fast Yo u will receive a response from amazon to tell .. W ell we will look quickly your order and send it.
If they say they called the phone number of cc . And if you are lucky and no one answered then to ld that a problem had changed their home or nose .. And they call to another phone.
After your order arrives. Your account becomes an account credited and after that can get starte d to place orders between $ 500-800 obiamente the cc has to be fr esh and cash.
Second form of carded on Amazon
Well same as above using the sock account is c reated. This form is easier and the more I use. Bu t it is a bit less effective. First buy something very cheap $ 2 at most. (Something very important, never ask spee dy delivery Next Day Saber) Always ask for the cheapest or slow. Well once your order was approved the same as above becomes your own account ACCREDITED
I recommend the ship to choose FedEx as it does not have as much security as UPS
When the package if they do sign say it is imp ossible to you for any reason and that thing you n eed is the package because it is medicine for your dog or yourself etc. I nventenle take something that delivers sympathy wi th the package.
Once this is done we can buy things between 600 -800 $. In any case we do not recommend ordering $ 200500 because that is less suspicious.
Another thing you can do. If you have a botnet as zeus or SpyEye etc.
You can use an account that has fallen from am azon. With the mail of the person. It is very easy in those cases that go
orders because the account is already establishe d.
Very important:
Clean up your pc, Flash cookies, MAC address, e verything!. Make it realistic not believe the account and buy some $ 300 Altira.
Amazon cancel your account if you do.
Program to clean Flash cookies:
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