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verified carders forum 2021

  1. Neon Ghost

    Brazil Visa Card

    4929109683574007 05/24 499 neil cartwright 29 the Comp Eaton Bray luton bedfordshire lu6 2dh UNITED KINGDOM 07950192266
  2. Neon Ghost

    Kill 201 Dumps Working

    4147202430462091=240620110100347 5524890009589532=22092016010000090301 4510143004949304=23052019010001710001 4900711110175291=2110201000001300000 4520830016278056=22112010901032340001
  3. Neon Ghost


    FOLLOW THE METHOD TO GET THE BEST RESULTS *METHOD DOUSNT KILL CARDS 1. Sign up for: -truthfinder.com – findme.cm – https://voice.google.com/ 2. Once u have purchased your cc go to thruthfinder and search the name and address and open the report. 3. Search for the SSN on findme make sure the...
  4. Neon Ghost

    E-GIFT CARD CARDING Method 2021

    E-GIFT CARD CARDING METHOD ( Steam wallet code, PlayStationNetwork (PSN) code, iTunes code, Google Play. Amazon giftcard, ...) Presenting here E-Gift card carding method of 2021 As I said this carding method is new and maybe you’ve never seen it before. But it 100% working and very simple. You...
  5. Neon Ghost

    Aliexpress latest carding method 2021

    ALIEXPRESS CARDING METHOD how to card Aliexpress. If you want to have successful carding on Aliexpress then first you must need to know process, now I'm going to show you up-to-the-minute Aliexpress Carding Method of 2020, fully Guide and it is working method, but remember that you need to buy...
  6. Neon Ghost

    Antifraud systems working 2021,

    In all online shops which accept credit card was added "Credit Card Fraud Detection service" (further CCFDs). It's task is to percent of possibility of fraud. It counts as named fraud score (FS) based on main factors of legity. For example if FS higher than 2,5 it's adviced to manager to hold...
  7. Neon Ghost

    "Red or White Powder" Propellant by the Jolly Roger

    "Red or White Powder" Propellant may be prepared in a simple, safe manner. The formulation described below will result in approximately 2 1/2 pounds of powder. This is a small arms propellant and should only be used in weapons with 1/2 in. diameter or less (but not pistols!). Material Required...
  8. Neon Ghost

    Hacking for Profit, Credit Card Fraud (A Beginners Guide) From legitcarders

    Introduction This paper is intended to detail how financially motivated hacking groups convert stolen data to monetary instruments. The primary premise for this paper is based on Eastern European hacking groups but in recent months, the “financially motivated” hacker sub group has expanded to...
  9. Neon Ghost


    1.Get a good client in US to buy the card... 2.U can get ur client ssn if its good (SSN of 550+ shd work fine) 3.If u can't get client ssn go to unicc or any ssn shop online and buy an SSN that matches ur client name 4.Perform background check on ur ssn using truthfinder or findme to be sure...
  10. Neon Ghost

    100% How to Card Amazon Method Step-by-Step

    1.U need to get an Amazon Accounts older than 6 Months and with orders on it. 2.After it u need to log in and do not change any password or something else. 3.Get VPN Same Country of the Amazon Account. 4.Log in / Log out many times !! DO NOT DELETE YOUR CACHE ON BROWSER / HISTORY 5.Add your...
  11. Neon Ghost

    Basic ID Making Tutorial

    I will first run down the things that you will need. I am going to tell you what you need to make a professional looking state driver lisence, you may not need all of this but it is what is needed to make it look real if you don’t use something that I tell you to it’s your call, your ID may...
  12. Neon Ghost

    All information About Carding (for new carders only)

    Synopsis of Carding and Essential Points: You will find multiple meanings available per different views. Carding itself is described as the illegitimate use of the card (Credit/Debit) by unauthorized people (carder) to buy a product. 1. 1 Key factors in carding method. [ IMG] 2. Let commence...
  13. Neon Ghost

    Panalizer - pornography analizer and face searching

    PAnalizer is a forensic tool, you can search pornographic images in a specific directory, this is util in Pedestrian Detection. Also, you can search a specific person in the image set, is necessary give to the application a few pictures of the person of interest.
  14. Neon Ghost

    IRC Services, HOWTO register and use

    New IRC Services Hey guys, we have some new services available on IRC so I'm writing this tutorial to help get people up to speed on how to register with nickserv so that A. you can prevent people from hijacking your username and B. you can be assigned a status within each channel that will be...
  15. Neon Ghost

    Flerken - obfuscated command detection too

    Command line obfuscation has been proved to be a non-negligible factor in fileless malware or malicious actors that are "living off the land". To bypass signature-based detection, dedicated obfuscation techniques are shown to be used by red-team penetrations and even APT activities. Meanwhile...
  16. Neon Ghost

    How Much Damage Hackers Can Do With a Million Fingerprints

    The Office of Personnel Management announced last week that the personal data for 21.5 million people had been stolen. But for national security professionals and cybersecurity experts, the more troubling issue is the theft of 1.1 million fingerprints. Much of their concern rests with the...
  17. Neon Ghost

    Basic Malware Analysis Tools

    In the upcoming 6 hacking tutorials we will be talking about basic malware analysis and we will start with discussing the many different Basic Malware Analysis Tools which are available. A Malware Analyst is someone highly skilled in reverse engineering malware to get a deep understanding about...
  18. Neon Ghost

    Advance and undetectable facebook & instagram hacking course

    This course is originally uploaded by DedSec and It explains 5 different techniques through which you can hack Facebook and Instagram Account … It Includes:- –Advance Phishing Pages –Hacking Facebook On Local Networks –Facebook Latest Bruteforce –Hacking Instagram Using Fake Page –Hacking...
  19. Neon Ghost

    Carding tutorial: the definitive guide [updated 2021]

    I understand the fact that many people are ready to learn, but the available resource for them is the internet, but many of them get scammed and ripped in the journey, that’s why I have decided to drop The Definitive New(2019) Latest Carding Tutorial Guide. If you follow this tutorial...
  20. Neon Ghost

    Tutorial: How to start your own stresser or booter (NOOB)

    This tutorial will teach you how to maintain and create your own stresser, otherwise known as a booter. I have another tutorial on this. This tutorial is updated, more detailed, and gives an even better source. Please leave feedback, or questions, or even if you think I should add something in...
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