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banner Expire 25 April 2025
adv ex on 22 February 2024
Kfc Club

Patrick Stash
banner expire at 13 August 2024
BidenCash Shop
banner Expire 10 May 2025
Money Club cc shop
Yale lodge shop
banner Expire 1 April  2021


  1. S

    Have Thousands of SS#'s..How TF do i sell them?

    I have one list that has almost 2k SS#s of business owners from all over the US and then I have another that has roughly 10k SS#s plus their dependants SS#'s. I know I won't get rich off the shit but I know it's gotta be worth something. I've ran most of the SS#s of the corporate list through a...
  2. X

    Anyone willing to help out?

    I just made my account here because im wondering if anyone could help me out on my mothers medical bills? She’s in the hospital right now and I don’t have enough to pay the $354 that I need to. It would be greatly appreciated and I would be willing to pay anyone back once I get the extra money.🙏
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