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  1. Neon Ghost

    Time Capsule open: MS-DOS 4.0 source code published on GitHub

    Microsoft and IBM gave enthusiasts a trip to the past. Ten years ago, Microsoft released the source code of the MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0 operating systems for the Computer History Museum, and later "republished" them and posted them on GitHub for educational purposes. The system was written entirely...
  2. Neon Ghost

    Goldoson Android Malware Found in 60 Apps with 100M Downloads

    Cellebrite is a similar organization which assisted the FBI with opening iPhone gadget of San Bernardino shooter. Eminent Policing, the Israel-based legal sciences firm Cellebrite has guaranteed that they have fostered an ideal instrument to hack pretty much every top of the line Android and iOS...
  3. Neon Ghost

    Brazilian Supreme Court systems shut down until November 9 due to cyber attack

    Supposedly, the operators of the ransomware RansomExx are behind the cyber attack. During the court hearings, which were held by videoconference, the Brazilian Supreme Court was subjected to a cyber attack using ransomware. As a result of the attack, the databases of ongoing lawsuits were...
  4. Neon Ghost

    New Android malware poses as “System Update” to steal your data

    The malware is additionally equipped for controlling the gadget's front and back camera to take photographs intermittently. The IT security scientists at Zimperium have found an Android malware fit for taking touchy information from contaminated gadgets and move it on servers constrained by the...
  5. Neon Ghost

    Russian malware developer TrickBot sentenced to 5 years 4 months in prison

    A US court sentenced Russian Vladimir Dunaev to five years and four months in prison for the creation and implementation of Trickbot malware, which was used to attack government organizations, companies and individuals around the world. The US Department of Justice estimated the damage from his...
  6. Neon Ghost

    Hive traces led to Cyprus: 570,000 euros seized from a former member of the group

    The Paris arrest put an end to the history of one of the largest extortion operations. This week, French police detained a 40-year-old man in Paris suspected of laundering money from the Hive ransomware group. During a search of the detainee's house, located in Cyprus, the police seized...
  7. Neon Ghost

    A Moscow court sentenced a hacker for hacking the Gemotest laboratory database

    Details of the hack have also been revealed. The Moscow City Court has rendered a verdict in the case of a hacker who hacked into the IT systems of the Gemotest medical laboratory. According to the verdict, the court sentenced the burglar under Part 3 of Article 272, Part 2 of Article 273 of the...
  8. Neon Ghost

    Fraudsters steal money from travelers through Booking.com

    But the systems of the service itself remain intact. According to the latest report from cybersecurity company Panda Security, customers of the famous online booking service Booking.com are increasingly facing attacks from scammers. Criminals have developed a sophisticated scheme aimed at...
  9. Neon Ghost

    A fraudulent call center headed by the former “Minister of the DPR” has been exposed

    The criminal group has been operating in Ukraine since August. Investigators have established that its organizer is a resident of the temporarily occupied territory of the Donetsk region, who was previously the “Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPR.” The police exposed a fraudulent call...
  10. Neon Ghost

    FBI: hackers are ready to rob casinos

    The agency warned of a high risk of cyber attacks on the gambling business. The FBI is warning of the threat of cyberattacks using ransomware targeting casino servers. Criminals use legitimate systems management tools to increase their online privileges. The agency says third-party...
  11. Neon Ghost


    Popular manga reader MangaDex has decided to rebuild its website after suffering a major breach which compromised its source code and potentially a customer database. The “scanlation” site enables fans of certain titles to read them in their own language for free. However, last Wednesday it...
  12. Neon Ghost

    Security Basics/Methods To Stay Safe In Carding

    Security is the main thing every carder have to keep in mind while doing carding. If you forgot about security in carding then surely you might be catch by police shortly. So you have to make ourselves secure before getting started. Below are the all methods to stay safe in carding. RDP = Remote...
  13. Neon Ghost

    Secure e-mail with quick registration

    • End-to-end, zero-knowledge encryption. In any case, it’s end-to-end encrypted only between users of the same solution. Only PGP is a universal way of sending encrypted emails to anyone, but unfortunately not enough people know how to use this. Zero knowledge encryption means key must be stored...
  14. Neon Ghost

    Should Spy on ISIS Forums Rather than DDoSing Them

    Unknown and other hacking gatherings ought to begin adding their profiles inside the dull web foundation of ISIS and watch out for their exercises — concurred? What is your take? With regards to Web the Unknown hacktivist bunch has been on the bleeding edge of protection against purported...
  15. Neon Ghost

    World Anti-Doping Agency Site Hacked; Thousands of Accounts Leaked

    Unknown Poland hacked World Enemy of Doping Organization and Court of Mediation for Game's servers' server and released individual subtleties for God understands what reason! A Twitter account guaranteeing connection with Mysterious Poland hacktivist bunch as of late reached HackRead with an...
  16. Neon Ghost

    World Anti-Doping Agency Site Hacked; Thousands of Accounts Leaked

    Unknown Poland hacked World Enemy of Doping Organization and Court of Mediation for Game's servers' server and released individual subtleties for God understands what reason! A Twitter account guaranteeing connection with Mysterious Poland hacktivist bunch as of late reached HackRead with an...
  17. Neon Ghost

    DDOS without an ip address.

    In this short guide you will learn how to ddos and fill ppl's harddrive without any permission or ip address. all that you need is a few of your friends on discord and target in your discord server. brief overview notice on the right the size of the pictures discord saves. the interval...
  18. Neon Ghost

    Google Introduces Bard: New ChatGPT Rival

    Until further notice, Versifier is simply accessible to "confided in analyzers"; be that as it may, Google expects to make it all the more generally accessible to the general population before long. ChatGPT's exciting fame, which has been developing since its send off last November, appears to...
  19. Neon Ghost

    Benefits Of Having Video Surveillance In Your Business

    You could avoid introducing a video reconnaissance camera in your business yet the truth of the matter is that this training has become progressively well known in of all shapes and sizes organizations, with many organizations viewing it as an extraordinary safety effort. With video...
  20. Neon Ghost

    Geo Targetly URL Shortener Abused in Phishing

    Geo Targetly is a real web-based help that offers its own URL shortening administration, like Bitly, called Geo Connection. Scientists at Designated spot Programming Organization's security firm, Avanan, have found another flood of phishing assaults in which entertainers utilize the Geo...
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