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carders forum 2025

  1. Neon Ghost

    What Is Hacking And How To Guard Against It? by carding forum

    Hacking is the process of gaining unauthorized access into a computer system, or group of computer systems. This is done through cracking of passwords and codes which gives access to the systems. Cracking is the term which specifies the method by which the password or code is obtained. The...
  2. Neon Ghost

    WIFI Hacking - Hack Even WPA2 Wifi Networks! Free And Simple

    Step 1 : Make Sure You Have Everything To prepare our evil twin access point attack, we'll need to be using Kali Linux or another supported distro. Quite a few distributions are supported, and you can check out the Airgeddon GitHub page for more about which Airgeddon will work with. You can use...
  3. Neon Ghost

    Unveiling Cyber Security: Your Comprehensive Path to Mastery Complete guide

    Embarking on the journey of cyber security can be daunting, but fear not! I've curated a step-by-step roadmap, from fundamental principles to advanced techniques, ensuring a seamless learning experience. ️ Prerequisites: To dive into this world, all you need is a clear mindset, a functioning...
  4. Neon Ghost

    How to sim swap upgraded tutorial 2028

    1: Have access to target email(s). 2: Call the carrier support. Tell them to email you a new 6 digit pin. Not difficult at all as most reps are based in Asia and couldn't give a toss. 3: Once you’ve successfully changed the pin, you now need a second SIM pre paid or post paid. DO NOT port to a...
  5. Neon Ghost

    MAC Address Spoofing With Macchanger In Kali Linux

    MAC address spoofing is a technique for temporarily changing your Media Access Control (MAC) address on a network device. A MAC Address is a unique and hardcoded address programmed into network devices which cannot be changed permanently. The MAC address is in the 2nd OSI layer and should be...
  6. Neon Ghost

    Postshell - Post Exploitation Bind - Backconnect Shell

    PostShell is a post-exploitation shell that includes both a bind and a back connect shell. It creates a fully interactive TTY which allows for job control. The stub size is around 14kb and can be compiled on any Unix like system. Why not use a traditional Backconnect/Bind Shell? PostShell...
  7. Neon Ghost

    Impulse - The best SMS bomber

    SMS-Bomber - software designed for mass sending (spam) SMS messages to a specified mobile phone number. Installation for windows: Download Python3.8 https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-38 After that we need to download Impulse from GitHub'a Now open cmd and go to the folder with the...
  8. Neon Ghost

    Some Useful Websites!

    1: Dnsdumpster :- dns recon & research , find & lookup dns records 2: Verify email address :- Verify email address online using free email verification tool. 3: ZOOMEY :- find iot device and bugs in android WordPress PHPMyAdmin and much more 4: Search CVE List :- Common Vulnerabilities and...
  9. Neon Ghost

    Hacking Server With Brute Force Fully Explained

    Hack server with brute force it is to risky so i dnt suggest you to do this . we will use tool today is named hydra it is very popular tool we need kali linux to run it . and we will do it in ((ftp file transfer protocol)) the files saved on server we will hack that you know that website is...
  10. Neon Ghost

    Multi - Report Facebook Account | Open Source Tool carding

    *THIS IS ONLY FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES! IM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTION! THIS IS TUTORIAL ON HOW TO BULK REPORT FACEBOOK ACCOUNT.FEEL FREE TO ASK WE CAN LEARN TOGETHER! Open your cmd/termux/terminal type below code one by one:- $apt update && upgrade $apt install python $apt install...
  11. Neon Ghost

    Infect & Crash Victim Phone | Explaination Step By Step

    Open your terminal write down:- $ apt update $ apt upgrade -y $ pkg install git -y $ git clone https://github.com/Devil-Tigers/TigerVirus.git $ cd TigerVirus $ bash TigerVirus.sh After that screen will appear 2 option which was 1 Virus Application 2 Virus Message You should select what you...
  12. Neon Ghost

    Tutorial Changing Ios Location | Fake Your Gps Non-root Needed

    In this tutorial we need two thing it was IOS device and windows/MAC,etc... -->First grab your iOS devices connect with cable to your desktop. -->Then go to http://www.3u.com/ and install this software. -->You'll need to initialized and allow all asked permission in your iOS devices. -->Open 3u...
  13. Neon Ghost

    Defacer Toolkit - Hack Programs One Package

    SCAN Admin Panel Scanner Sub Domain Scanner Site Shell Scanner BRUTE FORCE CMS Brute Force Wordpress Brute Force WordPress Brute AxisAtak 1.5 HAKOPS WP Brute Force DORK CREATION DorkMaker DorkMaker 2 Mentalists Dorkmaker Veteran Dork Studio 3 EXPLOIT SCAN SQLi / XSS / LFI / RFI Scanner...
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