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Search results

  1. Neon Ghost

    Iculeak - tool to find and extract credentials

    Tool to find and extract credentials from phone configuration files in environments managed by Cisco's CUCM (Call Manager). When using Cisco's CUCM (Call Manager), phone configuration files are stored on a TFTP server. These phone configuration files quite frequently contain sensitive data...
  2. Neon Ghost


    Sooner or later there comes a turning point, when you have already heard enough stories of all sorts, that real carding is the most dangerous and kind of unstable topic in terms of security. Each of us is being pushed for a different reason. The main purpose of this article is to warn you...
  3. Neon Ghost


    The information that is in this article is very important for understanding carding as a way to overcome the system of protection against illegal payments. We are talking about checking CC CVV Fullz by checker and Credit card response codes. Many believe that if a transaction was rejected, the...
  4. Neon Ghost

    WHAT DUMPS TO BUY 101 OR 201

    Dumps are of two basic types 101 and 201. What is the difference. The difference in the presence or absence of the chip in the card itself. A 201 card has a greater degree of protection, so for beginners it is recommended to buy dumps 101 at the beginning of their career. Although more...
  5. Neon Ghost

    Turn Your Cvv Into A Fullz Free Tutorial From legitcarders.ws

    Converting Your CCV Information To A Fullz Okay so many of you buy some credit card infos, but they do not come with DOB or SSN. However, there is a way to get them. Step 1: Getting the phone number If your info does not have the phone number, you should get it. For that, go on . Enter the...
  6. Neon Ghost

    A little about dump service codes From legitcarders.ws

    Ever wondered what the service codes (101, 201, 203 etc...) meant when buying dumps. The value of the service code determines where the cards are suitable to use and in what way. 4802394718492472=141210111009248 - The underlined section is the service code on a dump. First digit (Usage...
  7. Neon Ghost

    Australia Master Credit Standard by Neon Ghost

    5353161404090245|12|25|893|Nerusu|Ganesh|160 b laguna avenvue palm beach 4221|QUEENSLAND|ME|4221|AUSTRALIA|0433786336|Nerusu96@gmail.com
  8. Neon Ghost

    Romania Mastercard Debit by Neon Ghost

    5468050786564384 07/23 725 Romeo Sabau Str. Duiliu Zamfirescu, bloc O1, apt 19 Deva Hunedoara 330081 ROMANIA
  9. Neon Ghost

    Iceland Visa Credit Classic Buying From Neon Ghost

    CCnum:: 4507450149243682 Cvv: 772 Expm: 04 Expy: 23 Fname: Marcelo Lname: Doti Address: Santa Teresa 10 Bajo Derecho City: ALTEA Zip: 03590 Country: ICELAND Phone: 600397163
  10. Neon Ghost

    Italy Mastercard Credit Gold

    CCnum:: 5158593894066136 Cvv: 158 Expm: 02 Expy: 24 Fname: Miele Lname: Marco Address: via domenico fontana 81 City: NAPOLI State: CO Zip: 80128 Country: ITALY Phone: +0039 3392263271 Email: m.m87@libero.it
  11. Neon Ghost

    Spain Mastercard Credit Standard By legitcarders.ws

    5499285484557115 07/25 342 Pass Laura Navarro Calle R?o Guadalquivir 1574 (Calicanto) Chiva Valencia 46370 SPAIN
  12. Neon Ghost

    Denmark Fresh & Valid Visa By legitcarders.ws

    4571773062746543 | 2025 | 03 | 009 | Helle | Munksgaard | Rønbjerghage 4 | 40960048 | | | munksgd@mail.dk | Denmark |
  13. Neon Ghost

    Canada Visa Super Valid

    4530915262248016 | 2024 | 09 | 273 | Denis | Bizier | 134 rue Dupont : | 18195485508 | | | denbiz00@hotmail.com | Canada | La Federation Des Caisses Desjardins Du Quebec | QC | Saint-ludger | G0M 1W0 | Visa | Classic | credit
  14. Neon Ghost

    Ireland Live & Fresh Master

    CCnum:: 5432674009618207 Cvv: 026 Expm: 10 Expy: 25 Fname: Paul Lname: Deegan Address: 7B Belgrave Square Rathmines City: DUBLIN Zip: D06E046 Country: Ireland
  15. Neon Ghost

    Canada High Balance Mastercard

    5434405101912919 04/25 219 Long Marguerite 3023 Parkerhill Road Mississauga. Ontario L5B4B3 CANADA
  16. Neon Ghost

    2 Canada Mastercards World Elite

    CCnum:: 5411420208727307 Cvv: 274 Expm: 05 Expy: 23 Fname: Wendy Lname: Kennedy Address: 123 Rushing Brook Drive City: CARP Zip: K0A1L0 Country: CANADA Phone: 6138516621 Email: wendy@wendykennedy.com CCnum:: 5411420212271029 Cvv: 687 Expm: 03 Expy: 25 Fname: Les Lname: Meszaros Address: 21...
  17. Neon Ghost

    2 Spain Live Visa Cards!

    4150010009345744|02|2024|235|SPAIN|Manuel Manzano|Argentinita 82|Almeria|Andalucia|rar|639714551|j.manuguer@gmail.com 4361960095386041|02|2024|307|SPAIN|Felix Fernandez|chile 4|las rozas. Madrid|Madrid|28290|34625184680|ffa44@hotmail.com
  18. Neon Ghost

    Korea Mastercard Credit Standard

    5433330559045007 07/23 912 민지윤 217-1003, Parkrio, Olympic-ro 435, Songpagu Seoul Korea 05507 KOREA REPUBLIC OF 01049923937|28/07/1977||jiyun_m@naver.com|naria0628!
  19. Neon Ghost

    New Zealand Visa Classic Debit

    4284553380696234 | 2025 | 01 | 819 | Rose | Murphy | 100 Hinau Street (roseannamurphy@yahoo.com 0272308334) (state: state) | New Zealand | Bank Of New Zealand | | Wanganui | 04501 | Visa | Classic | debit
  20. Neon Ghost

    2 Spain Live Visa Cards!

    4548034117124057|02|2022|975|SPAIN|Xavier Robles|Passeig vint-i-dos de juliol 180. 1-1|Terrassa|Barcelona|08221|034646189888|xavierobles@yahoo.es 4671990183430471|08|2023|468|SPAIN|Juan Gonzalez|alcala 99|madrid|Madrid|28009|915765972|juangc@padego.com
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