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Recent content by Bigpimpin5555

  1. Bigpimpin5555

    Looking for Team

    Newbie but had my head in the research for the last 6 months... Keen to learn from some 1st hand experience genuinely wanting to share knowledge. That I respect. Unemployed, Single Dad with my boy turning 1 next month and I'm broker than broke so need this break and fast! Someone please throw me...
  2. Bigpimpin5555

    Why carders can't make money in carding?

    This will be the first article I have read of yours and all I can say is.... FINALLY! I can relate to everything here and I'm looking forward to studying your archives and future work. I appreciate what you do and hope you'll be happy to have a new student! Thank you.
  3. Bigpimpin5555

    Free Legal Prepaid Cards with balance

    Itching to get started! $100 free starter test please but I'll let you choose! Anything up to $1000 without prepayment and I'll pay after successful purchase anyway. Offering that kind of confident service alone should give you a loyal customer base for life! If that's the case then hat off to...
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