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List of Best sites to learn Malware Analysis


Dec 5, 2020

are you interested to learn Malware analysis and searching for the best resources?! Ok , i will give the list of sites where you can learn the malware analysis.

Resources for learning Malware Analysis
Malware Analysis Tutorials: a Reverse Engineering Approach
A series of Malware analysis tutorial written by Dr. Xiang Fu. In this blog, you will learn how to setup your malware analysis lab and do code analysis part using Immunity Debugger.
Link: Dr. Fu’s Security Blog
Step-by-Step Reverse Engineering Malware: ZeroAccess / Max++ / Smiscer Crimeware Rootkit:
This four part article series is a complete step-by-step tutorial on how to reverse engineer the ZeroAccess Rootkit.
Link: InfoSec Institute
Practical Malware Analysis Tutorials
This page contains series of malware analysis tutorial that demonstrate how to dissect the different malware samples.
Link: Tutorial from Malware.lu
Sinowal analysis:
The full analysis report of Sinowal. Sinowal (also known as Torpig or Anserin) is constant one of the top banking trojan all over the world since 2006.
Link: http://www.evild3ad.com/?p=1556

Analysis of Shylock Trojan:
Shylock is a new Trojan discovered by trusteer around 2 months ago. It is designed to be a Trojan Spy and specifically a Banker. Targets the windows platform, collects various system information from the infected system and send it to a remote C&C server, able to perform Man in the Browser attacks (IE and FF) against users of UK banks.
Link: http://p4r4n0id.com/

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